Embrace of Nightmare.

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Slumber eludes me,
For nightmares haunt my every dream,
In the darkness, I toss and turn,
A prisoner to their endless scream.

Sleep was once my refuge,
A sanctuary from the harshness of the day,
But now I fear its embrace,
For it only leads me astray.

My mind is plagued by visions of horror and despair,
Shadows that lurk in the corners, waiting to ensnare.
Each night, I am trapped in a world of my own making,
A place of torment and anguish, where there's no escaping.

I long for the sweet release of dawn's first light,
To banish the terrors that haunt me throughout the night.
But until then, I must endure this endless cycle of fear,
Praying for the day when my mind can finally clear.

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