Sister's Tragedy

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In a world of innocence and play,
A sister's trust was taken away;
By the brother she had loved and known,
Her life forever an altered zone.

She played along, with hope and joy,
And he led her on, as a ploy;
Till he kissed her, and touched her heart,
And from her innocence she did depart.

He whispered sweet nothings, that she could trust,
But little did she know, that lust,
Had blinded him to her tender years,
And in his passion, he caused her tears.

She begged him to stop, to let her be,
But he battered her down, till she could not flee;
And in her pain, she cried and wept,
While he laughed and cussed, his pleasure unkept.

The wounds she bore, were deep and sad,
A sister's tragedy, now all too bad;
Her trust was shattered, her heart in pain,
But love and hope her strength sustain.

She longs for peace, for a brighter day,
For strength to heal and to lead the way;
And while the scars still bear her soul,
Her spirit shines, and makes her whole.

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