Chapter Fourteen

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Aukai didn't like it.

He and Moana were clad from head to toe in shiny shells, the latter holding a drum and a bone. They entered the cave.

"Wow!" Moana said half-heartedly as she began banging on the drum. "The shiny, glittery cave."

"And just like us," Aukai added, equally half-hearted as his friend, "it is covered in sparkly treasure."

"Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle," the two said simultaneously as Moana banged on the drum.

"You two aren't selling it!" Maui, who peeked out from behind a rock, whispered to the two.

"This is stupid!" Aukai hissed. "I'm just gonna go up there and get it!"

"If either of you go up there, he will kill you," Maui argued. "Just stick to the plan." Moana continued banging her drum as Maui remembered something.

"Oh," he whispered, "when he shows up, keep him distracted. Make him talk about himself. He loves bragging about how great he is."

"Boy, you two must be mates," Aukai grumbled sarcastically.

"One, there was no mating," Maui hissed, "and two, if you mean friends, not since I ripped off his leg."

Moana paused.

"You ripped off his..." she began but stopped when she saw the demigod had vanished. "Maui?"

Just then, the treasure pile began to rumble underneath Moana and Aukai's feet. Slipping off a golden shell, they almost fell back to the ground, only for a giant crab claw to grab them by their shells.

"What have we here?" the owner of the claw laughed as he looked at the two with a barnacle-infested smile.

Moana and Aukai gasped. Tamatoa was a giant purple crab, and his treasure pile was his shell.

 Tamatoa was a giant purple crab, and his treasure pile was his shell

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"They're sparkly, shiny..." Tamatoa began but stopped himself. "Wait a minute." Moana and Aukai both yelped as Tamatoa flipped them through the air, causing them to lose the shiny shells.

"Ugh!" Tamatoa groaned as he caught the two again. "A couple of humans! Is this your idea of date night, being down here in the realm of the...

"Just pick an eye," Tamatoa said as Aukai and Moana darted their eyes from one eye to another. "I can't concentrate on what I'm saying if you keep... Yeah, pick one, pick one!"

Moana then kept her eyes on Tamatoa's right eye while Aukai kept his on the left.

"You're a funny-looking thing, aren't you?" Tamatoa asked as he reached his other claw up to grab Moana's necklace.

"Don't!" Moana snapped as she pulled it away. "That's my gramma's!"

Aukai was thankful he was held by the waist by this giant crab or else he would've noticed the sword in his belt.

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