The rescue

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Chapter 1:

Liam's POV:

Beep-Beep Beep- Beep Beep- Beep. Engine 41, Ambulance 21 hiker found fallen off cliff at Green Gulch Park. Unknown injury. Please respond immediately.

I hear the siren and the instruction and know that it's going to be a busy day. "Come on you guys! Hurry up! Let's Go!" I tell my other firemen comrades. My name is Liam Payne and I'm the Captain of engine 41 Co. At our station there are two other firemen, Calum and Niall, and 2 paramedics, Luke and Michael. We are a fairly small station, so both Luke and Michael know how to do search and rescue operations and how to work most of the equipment, but they don't go in the burning buildings.

However, today we don't have to worry about a burning building because we just got a call about a young girl that's fallen off a cliff. Calum, Ashton and I head into the truck while Luke and Michael head into the ambulance. We drive over to Green Gulch, the local hiking park, and see a bunch of people looking over the edge of a cliff.

 I hop out of the truck, "Okay everyone, I'm going to have to ask you to step away from the edge of the cliff. We don't need anyone else falling down there and getting hurt. Please keep behind the trucks and let us do our job". The people slowly start to move away and we get our equipment ready to go get the girl. "Luke, I want you to suit up in climbing gear. You're the lightest, as well as you can help her once you get down there". 

Luke nods and starts getting suited up. "Calum, Niall, I'm going to need you guys to help me hold the ropes and establish a pulley system for Luke to get down to the girl. Mikey, you're on backup and medical". I tell them what to do and we all start setting up. Calum, Niall and I set up the pulley system for Luke, and Michael gets bandages and an IV ready for her when she gets up to us. Luke comes over and we hook him up to the ropes and lower him down gently.

Luke's POV:

I'm lowered down the edge of the cliff where I can see a girl passed out at the bottom on the cliff. I finally reach her and yell up to the guys that I'm with her. I then start checking her breathing, pulse, and check for any injuries. 

Her breathing is shallow and her pulse is slow. It looks like she has a multiple broken bones as well as her head is bleeding and she might have a possible concussion. I bandage the major cuts, brace her broken bones and put a neck brace on her so that she can't have any further damages. "Guys send down the backboard and I'll load her up on it", I yell up to the other guys and soon the backboard is being lowered down. I gently lift it it under her and strap her in. "Okay, lift her up!" i yell up to the guys and slowly she starts to get lifted up. Once she's safely up there, they then send down the rope again and I hook into it and they pull me back up.

Michael's POV:

When the girl is brought up, I take charge and start assessing what's wrong with her. I can see that Luke already bandaged and braced her some and put a neck brace on her, but now it's my job to see what further damage she has. I grab a light and lift her eyelids up and look in her eyes. They seem to be dilating fairly well.

 I then get my stethoscope out and check her breathing and blood pressure. Her breathing is shallow and I can hear a wheezing sound, as well as her BP is low. I can guess that she has a few broken ribs and possibly a punctured lung. I start to get an IV line in her where we can administer fluids and pain relief when needed, when Luke comes up. "Hey, how's she doing?" "Eyes are dilating, BP is low, possible punctured lung. We have to get her to the ER now before she gets any worse". Right when I say that she starts seizing. I turn her on her side to make sure that she doesn't choke on her own spit and/or throw up while Luke gives her something in her IV to help stop the seizure. Soon she's stable and we get her back to laying down before we load her up to go to the hospital.

Luke drives while I say in the back and monitor her vitals and such. When we get to the hospital, I see Louis, Harry, and Niall waiting outside the doors for us. We stop the vehicle right in front of them and start unloading the girl. "What we got?" I hear Harry ask me. "Young girl, approximately 24, fell off a cliff. Eyes are dilating, BP low- possible punctured lung, and no spinal injuries that we can see, but will need an x-ray to be sure. Seized on the way here, gave her 10cc of adrenaline to counter the seizure as well as possible concussion and many broken bones", I spout out to them while we get her on a bed. Once she's on a bed I turn to the doctors, tell them good luck and Luke and I are on our way back to the station.

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