The hospital

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Harry's POV:

My name is Harry Styles. I'm the chief of medicine at Memorial Hospital. Louis is the head doctor of ER, and Sophia is the head Nurse of ER. "Okay, Louis get an X-ray and CAT scan on her as soon as possible. Sophia suture her head and clean and bandage those cuts. We need to get her stable now", I say as I'm setting her up on the machines and checking her vitals again. I see Louis run off to get the x-ray and CAT scan set up for her and Sophia go off to get the suture kits, cleaning supplies and bandages.

 She soon comes back and starts cleaning and closing her wounds. As I'm doing my exam on her, I notice how pale and skinny she is. I set her up on a food tube, blood transfusion, and oxygen as well as some heavy duty painkillers because she's probably in some massive amounts of pain at the moment. I then check her lungs and hear her wheezing. Louis comes back at that moment and says that the x-ray and CAT scan is ready for us.

We wheel her down to radiology and I first do a full body x-ray scan on her to see which bones are broken and what all needs to be fixed. I see that she has a compound break on her left leg and quite a few fractures in her lower arms. She also has a few broken ribs that are putting pressure on her lungs. They haven't punctured anything yet, but we need to fix that ASAP or else they will and it wouldn't be good. Next, we get her in the CAT scan and check out her brain and muscles. I see a little swelling on the head, but no major bleeds or concerns other than she'll have a massive headache when she wakes up. There's a few sprains in her arms as well and it looks like she may have dislocated a few fingers, so we'll have to fix those as well. All in all though, she might have a bunch of injuries, but she's in better condition than most after falling off a cliff.

Louis' POV:

Just as we are getting done with the CAT scan, I hear a whimpering and crying sound. "Hello? What happened? Is anyone there? I'm scared! It hurts so badly!" I hear her say and since I'm closest, I run to the machine to calm her down. "Hey love, my names Louis, you're at the hospital. You fell off a cliff and have a lot of injuries, but you'll be okay. You just have to take some nice and easy breaths for me and we'll get you out of there in just a bit. Can you tell me your name, love?" i ask, trying to sound soothing and comforting so that she doesn't freak out too much. "Emily. My name's Emily Burns. Please help me. It hurts so badly!" "Okay Emily. You're doing so well right now. Don't worry, we're going to get you out of here and give you some more painkillers. They will probably make you sleepy, so just relax. I swear, we're going to take good care of you", I tell her and gently take her hand that's not broken and just hold it so that she knows someone is here for her.

Once we get her out of the machine, Sophia comes in the room with some more painkillers. She injects it in the IV and soon Emily is closing her eyes. "Don't worry love, you're going to be okay", I tell her as she closes her eyes. She falls back asleep quickly and we bring her in a room. Harry starts setting her bones and getting them ready to cast, I pop all her joints back in place, and Sophia gets the supplies ready to cast. I'm really glad that she's asleep right now or else she would be in some major pain. Pretty soon, her bones are set correctly, casted, and she's resting and we get her set up for the night hoping that everything will go well for the night.

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