The Flashback

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This has scenes of abuse and some foul language. Read at your own risk.

Emily's POV:

After Ashton left, Louis and I just cuddled. I know that I just met him, but he makes me feel safe and protected. I feel like if he's here with me, then Zayn can't get me. Yes, my ex-boyfriends name is Zayn. We were dating for a year before I started noticing that he was being really controlling with me and I kept seeing him looking at other girls, but not looking at me anymore. Also, when we'd kiss, it wasn't the same anymore. I didn't feel that spark anymore and a lot of the time he'd be too aggressive in the kiss and I'd end up with bruises. I finally broke up with him and thought that he was cool with it. That he felt the same thing. I guess I was wrong.

Flashback:I was driving home after work when I get a call. I look at the caller id and see Zayn's name pop up on the screen. I pull over and answer the phone. "Zayn? Are you alright?" "Emily, come to Green Gulch Park right now. I need you", I hear him slurring his words and I think that he got stuck in the woods drunk. Again. "Fine. I'll be there in a little bit". 

I hang up the phone and get back on the road, now on my way to Green Gulch. I finally get there and see Zayn yelling to a tree. "Why? Why is my life so fucked!? What did I ever do to deserve this? What do I have now? I have nothing". I get out of my car and gently walk his way thinking that I would have to talk him out of committing suicide. "Zayn? You're okay. Think of everything that you do have. You have family and friends that love you and a house over your head and food in your belly. You have so much and you are a wonderful person. So let's go home and I'll get you some ice cream or something. How's that sound?", I ask him as I know that ice cream is his hangover cure.

 As he sees me walking toward him, I could see just how mad he was. He literally looks like someone possessed and crazy. All of a sudden, he lunges at me and I feel immense pain in my stomach as I see him punch me in the stomach, and I hear something crack inside me. "I don't have any of those things anymore. Because of you, my family kicked me out and my friends won't talk to me because they think I did something to you. You are the reason why all my problems started and you are just a piece of shit in my life that keeps making it worse". As he says this he pushes me to the ground. 

I Try to get back up, but he pushes me back down again. This continues until I'm close to the edge of the cliff and I'm pleading for him to stop this and just talk to me. "Please Zayn, let's just talk about this. I'm at the edge of the cliff. If you push me again I will fall. Let's just talk. I'm sure it's not that bad". At this his eyes glow red in anger and he starts yelling again. "Not all bad? I lost everything because of you. You know what? Maybe I'd be better off if you weren't in my life anymore. Or in anyone's life anymore". At this he pushes me one last time and I feel the ground from under me give and I fall head over heels sown the cliff. I reach the bottom and all I feel is pain before I black out.

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