Meeting Ashton

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Ashton's POV:

I go to the hospital and walk into the room that the nurse told me that Louis was in with the girl. I was technically off the clock, but I couldn't say no when Louis asked me to do this for him. He's helped me many times with injuries of mine off the clock, so I didn't mind doing this for him. I also thought that it would help me connect to the girl if it's not seen as strictly police business. "Hey, Lou. Is this the girl?" I ask as I walk through the door to her room. "Yeah. I don't know the full story yet, but she's really scared and fearful of whomever did this to her. She said that it was a male, so I'm going to guess that it was an ex-boyfriend or something like that. When she got here, her injuries were really severe. She had multiple broken bones and dislocations, needed many stitches and had a hard time breathing. Whoever did this to her, you have to find them and put them behind bars", he explains to me as I see him continue to hold the girl's hand and comfort her."We'll try, but first we need her to tell us the full story", I tell him as I realize just how much he's becoming attached to this girl. 

After I've said that, he then gently leans in and shakes her shoulder while saying, "Emily, can you wake up for me love? Someone's here that wants to help you. Will you wake up?" She slowly opens her eyes and looks around the room. When she sees me she freezes and turns into Louis' shoulder and hides. "Love, this is Ashton. He's a police officer that's also my friend. He just wants to help you okay?" he explains and she slowly nods her head, still in Louis' shoulder in which I take that as a sign to start. "Emily, do you know who pushed you down the cliff? Was it someone that you knew or someone that you've never seen before?" "I-I k-knew him, but I don't want to say his name. I don't want him to hurt me again", she tells me with fear in her voice and eyes.

At this, Louis gently takes her into his arms and holds her. I can hear him say, "Love, no one will ever hurt you again. I won't let them hurt you", and I can see her start to relax against him. I start again with the questions and ask her, "Can you tell me how you knew him then? Was he a boyfriend, friend, father..." "He was my boyfriend that I broke up with a few months ago. I guess he didn't like that I broke up with him. He called me the day I was pushed off the cliff, telling me to meet him there. I thought he just wanted to talk. When I got there, however he started yelling at me and pushed me towards the edge of the cliff. The last thing I remember before waking up here was free falling and a lot of pain. I don't know how long I was there before someone found me, but I think it was Tuesday night when I went to meet him, and when I woke up it was Thursday, so I think I must have been down there a good day or more", she explains and a glazed look comes over her eyes as she relives the experience.

She starts crying again and I decide that's enough information for now. Now that we know that it was her ex, we can look them up and ask others who her ex was and get him that way. I look down one more time at Emily and my heart melts at the devastation that she's gone through from this guy. When I find him, I will make sure that he goes to jail for a long time.

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