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This chapter has violence and swearing. If you don't want to read it, or are younger that 10 years old, please don't read it.

Louis' POV:

After a while of just holding Emily, she finally goes back to sleep. A little while later, I can hear her mumbling something that sounds like, "Zayn, no" and "please". All of a sudden she starts thrashing about in my arms and sweating up a storm. "Emily! Wake up Emily! You're having a nightmare. Wake up!" I calmly but urgently say while I gently shake her shoulder to wake her up.

She opens her eyes and see's that it was all a dream and starts crying and shaking. I take her in my arms and I can hear her breathing getting rough and labored. "Emily. You're okay. Nothing can get you here with me. You have to calm down babe or else I'll have to call Sophia back to give you something. Breathe with me", I say as I try to get her to calm down. I start breathing deeply and put her hand on my chest to have her feel it moving and encourage her to follow my lead. Soon her breathing gets better and she curls up into me more.

"Emily? Are you okay? What happened?" "I-I was remeb-bering him do it. Pushing me off the cliff. I can remember everything about that night. I don't want to remember that. I don't like that feeling of helplessness that he made me feel that night". At this she starts crying again and I just hold her trying to keep her calm and soon she's asleep again.

Pretty soon, Harry walks in. "How's she doing?" he asks as he starts checking her stats. "Not so good. Physically she's getting better, but she told me that her ex-boyfriend pushed her down the cliff. I've already had Ashton come down to get a report started. She just had a panic attack from having a flashback of the night. I just got her calmed down again. I think the only way she'll calm down and truly feel better is if this guy is in jail", I tell him as I continue to hold Emily in my arms and keep her safe. Harry nods his head and asks, "Has she told you his name yet?" "No, but right before she started having the panic attack, she was muttering about someone named "Zayn", I tell him, letting him know that I think this Zayn fellow was the one that did this to her. "I'll be telling Ashton to look for someone with the name Zayn first", I say as he finishes his routine check on Emily. "Good idea. Let me know if you need anything then okay?", he says as he walks out the door and I quickly tell him, "Okay, Thanks Haz".

 After that, I decide to call Ashton and tell him the new information I found out about Emily's possible attacker. "Ring... ring... Hello?" "Hey Ashton, its Louis", I say once Ashton picks up the line. "Hey Louis, what's up?" he asks with curiosity in his voice. "I think I found out the name of the guy who pushed Emily off the cliff. His name is Zayn. I don't know a last name and only found out his first name because Emily was muttering it in her sleep and had a panic attack about the incident, but at least it will get you somewhere", I tell him and he says, "Thanks Lou, This will help a lot. See you soon then". "okay, bye", I tell him and hang up.

Once I'm done with the phone call to Ashton, I look at my watch. My shift technically ended two hours ago, so I decide that now would be a good time to sleep. Since I'm technically off the clock, I curl up next to Emily and hold her tightly in my arms. With her protectively in my arms, I fall asleep easily.

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