Panic Attack and Protection

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A few days later

Emily's POV

 It's now been five days since I woke up in the hospital. Since then, Louis has only left my side when he has a shift, and even then he comes up and visits me and makes sure I'm okay during it. Either Harry or Liam bring him clothes to change into, as he's been sleeping here in my room as well as he's been taking showers here at the hospital. I keep telling him to get home and that I'd be fine, but really I'm glad that he's here. When I'm with him, I feel safe and loved, a feeling that I haven't felt in a long time.

Today is the day that I'm getting my stitches out, so around noon, Harry comes in the room. "Hey Em. How are you feeling today? Ready to get these stitches out and then you can finally take a real shower tonight", he says and I smile at that as Harry starts to get the supplies that he'll need to take out my stitches. I sit up for him and he starts taking out my stitches.

When he finishes, he tells me, "There, all done. You might feel sore for a few more days, but you should be feeling better soon". I thank him and he gives me a smile and leaves. What Harry said, makes me think. Once I'm out of this hospital, what's going to stop Zayn from coming after me again? I start breathing heavier and I can feel myself sweating from my body over-exerting itself now. I can hear the monitors on me going haywire, telling me and the staff that my heart is beating too fast.

All of a sudden, Louis runs into the room. He sees me and starts trying to calm me down. "Emily, you need to calm down love", he then takes me in his arms and just holds me. I can hear his heartbeat through his scrub shirt, as well as feel his chest move up and down and I try to match my breathing to his. Pretty soon, I calm down and Louis just continues to hold me and comfort me. "Em? What happened? What made you so scared?" he asks me with a worried sound to his voice.

 I think about it for a second, and then tell him my full story and how I'm worried that Zayn will get me after I get out of the hospital. By the time I've told him, he's crying and just holding me tighter, trying to keep me as safe as he can within his arms. Once he's back to normal he says, "Em, I will never let that happen, he will get caught and go to jail. I will protect you as well as I'm sure that everyone who's helped you so far will protect you. You are so special and from the moment I first saw you, I knew you'd steal my heart. Emily? Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks as he continues to hold and comfort me. I look up into his eyes and say, "Oh Louis, of course I'll be your girlfriend. I love you already and feel like Ur my knight in shining armor".

We then cuddle for the rest of the time until Harry comes in and tells us that as long as I go with Louis home, I can go home today. I agree and Louis and I get me ready to go home.

On the EdgeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ