A Never-Ending Day

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First POV:

I suddenly found myself in a room with a red carpet floor and a pearl-white staircase. I hear footsteps and turn around to see a very beautiful young lady with white hair, red eyes, and an elegant-looking dress with a few spikes on them. walking down the staircase as she leaves spots of blood on it.

 walking down the staircase as she leaves spots of blood on it

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We hear the sound of something breaking coming from another room. We open the door and see a woman and man with the latter trying to stop her from impaling him with a machete.

Woman: For the last time: Why can't you remember!?

Man: I don't know! If you just give me a second...

Woman: UGH! You're not even trying!

The woman stabs the man to death. I felt my blood boiling and the girl next to me had the same response. We both charge at the woman.

Woman: Oh shit!

She throws the machete at my arm but I don't stop. Me and the girl tackle her and send her through a window.

Woman: FUCK!!!!

???: You can never leave it.

We turn around and see a man with white hair and black eyes. He pulls out two guns and shoots us.

I opened my eyes and sat up in shock from what I assumed was a nightmare.

???: *PANT* *PANT* *PANT* What the hell was that!? A nightmare?

I look around and find myself sitting on a bed in a rather luxurious bedroom.

I look around and find myself sitting on a bed in a rather luxurious bedroom

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???: Where am I?

I get out of bed and see words floating in front of me that says "Break the loop"

???: Break the loop? What the hell? Am I actually seeing this?

More words appear saying "Who are you?"

???: Yeah I'm seeing this. Wait... who am I?

I go into the bathroom and look at the mirror. I'm apparently a young man with messy white hair.

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