Finding The LPP

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Zero's POV:

I get out of bed and hear Frank saying the exact same lines as before. We really are trapped in a time loop. I pull the Argonaut book and open the hidden passage. I looked around the room for the postcard and saw it on the map of Orario.

Zero: How'd I miss that?

I grabbed the postcard and looked around it until I found the code for the tunnels and a message.

Zero: LPP will break the loop. Follow Colt and One for this. Blackburn is smarter than the others, but his sadism is his weakness. Take advantage and proceed with caution.

I grabbed my swords and Override Device again, which makes sense since I got sent to the point where I didn't have them. I got into the teleporter again and went to the beach early. I fall face-first into the sand once again and I pull my head up to see Colt.

Colt: And I thought I was the only one starting my day with a face full of sand.

Zero: Shut up. Let's get your Override Device.

I say as I pull out mine.

Colt: You got an override device. I got a Hackamajig. And don't start by saying it's stupid because I literally forgot its actual name.

Zero: Let's just break this stupid loop.

Colt: Yeah.

We go to Colt's hideout and he grabs his hacking device and the postcard his other self told him about.

Colt: Updaam. Alright.

Zero: I had a similar note. It said to look there for something called the LPP.

Colt: LPP? Sounds powerful.

Colt turns on his Hackamajig. Our devices pick up a signal.

Blackburn: You three still going to break the loop?

Julianna: Cause you're never, EVER, going to break the loop. It's absolutely impossible.

Colt: You want us to break it, you don't want us to break it.

Zero: What do you two want from us!?

Julianna: We want you... to not suck.

Blackburn: I prefer to have rivals rather than prey.

Zero: Too bad! We're getting out of this place.

Colt: Yeah! I'm done! With you. And all of this. It ends. Today!

Julianna: You don't even know where to start:

Blackburn: Don't underestimate them, baby girl.

Julianna: Fuck off old man!

Zero: Let's just go.

Colt: Don't need to tell me twice.

I punch in the tunnel access code and the two of us walk through it. Blackburn makes an announcement.

Blackburn: Good Morning Aeon Program. Colt, Zero, and One have shifted their goals to breaking the loop. Be on high alert and kill them with extreme prejudice.

Julianna: Blackburn, stay the fuck away from my intercom! The morning announcements are mine!

Colt: Yeah, looks like those two aren't going to be working together for this.

Zero: Let's get to Updaam quick.

Colt: And let's get more ammo on the way.

I see several grenades on a shelf and grab one of them.

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