This Isn't Paradise

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Zero and One are traveling to Fristad Rock and are looking for Charlie and Fia's secret hiding spot.

Zero: I'm surprised how different everything looks in the afternoon.

One: Wasn't like this when I came here hunting for Frank.

Zero: How'd that go?

One: Alright. I found him in his office.

Zero: He has an office?

One: Sort of. He spends all his time in his radio booth spinning his old hits while talking about his salad days.

Zero feels sorry for what One had to experience during her time on Fristad Rock. The two of them go around a corner and see Eternalist gathering by a few fires. Zero uses his Nexus Slab and binds the Eternalists together. He shoots his LIMP-10 at their heads and kills them all.

One: You're getting better at this.

Zero: The Slabs or the killing?

One: Both.

Zero: I feel like all of us had a history of constant killing.

One: With style.

Zero: I'm not sure style includes brutally ripping people open.

One: We all have our preferences.

Zero and One find a shore and walk on it until they find a door. They walk up a few steps and see that it's the same door in the picture of Charlie and Fia.

Zero: This must be it.

The two of them walk through the door and find a hole in the hallway wall. They see a strange device with tapes in it and several screens placed around the room. One looks at the notebook placed on the device and discovers that Fia has a safe in Karl's Bay that seems to have a clue to unlocking the door.

Zero: So, Fia has a safe in Karl's Bay and we now know the password due to her writing it in this notebook.

One: Thank you everyone for writing your passwords down one way or another. So, you want to head to Karl's Bay when night comes, or want to head to Alexis' party. I am interested in checking out the drinks and music there.

Zero: Yeah, I think I'm interested in seeing what Alexis has to offer us. Shall I escort you to Blackreef's biggest party, One?

One: Delighted.

One holds out her hand and Zero grabs it. The two of them leave the facility and enter the tunnels leading out of Fristad Rock. They decide to run through the tunnels and make their way to Updaam.

Zero: I'm still surprised at how much the Eternalist wreck the place during nightfall.

One: We might be the only ones who remember the loops but everyone on this island is AWARE of it. And since it resets everyone's lives and memories, they can do whatever they want without consequence. And it helps us know what's going to happen.

Zero: Well, I want to see what's outside the Loop. So I'm not a huge fan of this thing.

One: I do want to go someplace where it's not freezing cold during the afternoon. I will miss the luxury bed I wake up in everyday. But I agree with you about leaving the loop. This thing will inevitable get boring for us, which is probably why we decided to help Colt in the first place.

Zero: Probably. But let's check if he's in his flat.

One: I hope he thought of killing the ones who trashed his place and cleaned it.

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