Before The Loop

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At Night in Colt's hideout, Zero, One, and Colt have been discussing their time in the loop and what they've discovered. The former two still seek to find out their past as it might give them an idea of how they ended up in the loop in the first place.

Colt: You're still trying to find out your past? I've got nothing against it at the moment, but why do you want to know?

Zero: We've got so many questions about ourselves and where we're from. Akira told us about the Motherland, but I still want to know more.

One: And another me came and told us that our past essentially sucks, but we won't know how much until we uncover it.

Colt: Even though you may not like it?

Zero: This is what we want.

Colt: Then be careful.

One: Agh, this is so depressing. Let's get back to talking about what we found.

Colt: Good idea. So, when we were at the party, I saw on Alexis' terminal that Egor demanded an invite to his party.

One: But we didn't see him there.

Zero: Then I guess we better find out why he didn't go. That way we can make sure he goes there and take him out with Alexis.

Colt: Two birds, one stone.

One: And it's rude to not go to the party you demanded to be invited to.

Zero: Also, regarding Charlie and Fia, they are breaking the protocol to meet up in a control room in Fristad Rock. The password to enter is in Karl's Bay. Me and One will pay a visit there and find out what it is.

One: It will be a beautiful date night with fireworks, blood, and soda.

Colt: It already sounds beautiful. By the way, Frank's terminal said he stashed his fireworks in Karl's Bay as well. Here's the password.

Colt hands me a note containing the password and I read the code.

Zero: Thanks.

Zero and One's helmets get a call from Blackburn and decide to answer it.

One: Hello, Hello, may we help you?

Blackburn: Glad to see you've kept your manners. I want to make your plan interesting. I don't have to stay at a single place during the loop. So I'll only come out and fight you all in a showdown if you can get three visionaries in one place. Do that, And I'll give you a treat if you win. I'll be seeing you two soon.

Blackburn hangs up and we retract our helmets.

Colt: Who was that?

One: Blackburn.

Zero: He said that he'll only play into our plan if we can get three visionaries in one place.

Colt: Got no clue where Julianna is hiding and Blackburn doesn't stay in one place. She I might be able to figure out, but that last one, I guess we'll have to do as he says.

Zero: If we want to kill all the visionaries in one day, yes.

Colt: Of course. Well, I think I might have an idea of how to find Julianna. In the complex, Julianna ordered a door next to the control room to be sealed. Whatever's in it might lead me to her.

Zero: Okay. Head there in the morning. The two of us will go see if we can find out anything in the afternoon we can use. Now if you excuse us, we have a date.

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