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Authors note: hey this is my first story and i'm horrible at spelling so if you see something that's spelt wrong then fix it or ignore it


Bethany was on the couch with her best friend Niall. They were talking about oreos for some reason and it was quite strange. Bethany decided to go up to her room and Niall followed her still going on about how they should put the cream from the oreos in a jar and sell it. She sat on her bed and laughed realizing how pointless half the stuff they talk about is.

"what?" I was confused about why Bethany was laughing.

 "do you realize how dumb and pointless half the stuff we talk about is?" she said while adjusting her self on the bed.

 "yes but if I wanted to be serious then I would talk to my parents." 

 "Whatever I'm hungry and I know you are too you always are." Niall started to laugh

"yes I want some oreos." 

"I'll see what I can do." Bethany went up and started to run away to the kitchen with my hat.

 "BETHANY! give it back!" I screamed as I ran down the stairs so I could find her. 

"give it back right now."

 "nope." she shook her head.

 "fine I didn't want to do this but- " I started to tickle her so she would give me back my hat.

"Here, take the hat." Bethany handed me the hat. 

"thank you, now cook me some food you peasant." I started to laugh so hard that I almost fell on the floor but stopped myself so I didn't tumble down.

"excuse me! not with the way you asked." 

" Ok mom, can you please make me some food Bethy?"

"since you asked so politely, what kind of cereal do you want?"

 "lucky charms, and that's not food." 

"sorry my mom is not home to cook so we are getting cereal" she started to walk to go grab the lucky charms when I said 

"fine I'll just go home and eat there." I started to walk to the door so I could go home to get some food when I heard Bethany said

"wait can I come too? your mom is the best cook ever and I don't like to eat cereal as a dinner." 

 "sure" I opened the door and said "after you my lady."

 " Why thank you" she giggled

 "what ? I can't just be a gentleman?" 

"nope never In million years" Bethany started to laugh so hard that she looked like she was about to pass out.

"aww man. I was hoping that when i get a girlfriend, she'd like me for that. You've crushed my dreams Bethany McCoy. Nice job."

 " I know it was my plan!" I started to laugh and then I noticed that we had already walked all the way to my house

 "were here" I let out a little giggle

 " Duh You're my next door neighbor its not like we had to walk a mile" she stuck her tongue out and runs away sticking her tongue out and knocking on the door.

"hi Bethany" my mom answered the door with a huge smile plastered on her face. 

"hey Maura do you have any food?" as she starts to giggle at me. 

"you always do that because you know that i'm her son." I smiled at my mom

 " Niall has a point there. Come on in. I have some chicken in the oven." my mom steps out of the way so we can come in to get out of the wind.

"YAY!" I practically screamed. 

"you can just sit down while I get the chicken out of the oven" my mom said as if she was trying to get us sit down so she did not hurt us. We were running around but then we sat down so my mom could get the chicken.

 "there you go" she sat the hot chicken down so we could eat it like the animals we are. 

"This is so good Maura thanks for letting me eat with you guys." Bethany said while she stuffed he face full of chicken and green beans. 

"Well you're always welcome to eat dinner with us. and you know that expeshally when Dianna is at work." she sat down and started to get her chicken. 

"this is really good you should make this more often."

I said as i scarfed down all of my chicken. After about twenty more minutes of us talking and stuffing our faces Bethany went home and I went to my room where I layed down and fell right asleep.

When Bethany got home she went in her room and turned on the radio (she always sleeps with it) and freaked out when her favorite singer came on. His name was Liam. Liam Payne. It was a new song but she already knew all the lyrics to the song. Bethany sang till the song ended (the song was 'Live Forever' ) after that she fell straight asleep since it was already late and she was tired.


So uh this is my first story and I don't know if i'm going to finish this

If you see this please tell me if its any good

I know this is short i'm sorry

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Bye loves - xoxo Bardrad <3 <3

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