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[ Louis smiles, not feeling embarrassed at all ] "Talk to them tonight in your hotel. You'll be back around 7 anyway."  

"What should I tell them?"

"The same as you told us, just leave the fact that you like Liam out." Harry says to Bethany.

[ sighs ] "Does Liam like Niall?"

"We don't know. Does Niall like Liam?"

"I guess he does yeah." [ Takes a big sip of her milkshake ]

"That situation is quite awkward.."

"You have to decide for yourself if you want to have a chance with Liam or if you want Niall to have one, who is in fact your best friend."

With Niall and Liam

"Are you warm enough, the stove and your clothes will take a while?"

"I know, but don't they have a dryer?"

"They do. But I seriously do not know how it works and the maids are off for the day." 

[ sighs ] "Can I wear one of harry's boxers? I'm not so keen on the fact that i'm still naked."

"Of course just wait a second."

[ Liam comes back with a pair of boxers and hands him to Niall ] "Here put these on"

"Pink ones eh? I'm gonna change here it's just the boxers. Turn around yeah?" [ puts them on ] "Alright" [ sits on the sofa again ] 

"I don't understand how you still find it cold here if you just drank a hot coco." [ smiles ]

[ shrugs ] "Please just warm me up." 

[ crawls behind Niall on the sofa so he's the big spoon; wraps a blanket over them  in the process and holds Niall close to him, his stomach to Niall's back ] "Better?"

"Thank you Liam, I love you."

"I love you too."

"You alright with the movie love actually?"

"I am, as long as i'm with you" [ leaves a soft kiss on the top of his head ]

"You're so sweet Liam, really. I like that about you. [ speaks softly ]

"You've said that a lot, I'm just being me" [ he strokes his hair gently ]

"So you're this nice to everyone?" [ he says is slightly   disappointed ] 

[ stays quiet for a moment, thinking. Then he came to a conclusion that he actually isn't this nice to everyone ]...

"...Hmmm" [ he says: Niall himself has to find out what that     means ] "Now watch the movie babe." [ kisses him on the forehead this time ]

[ nods as he makes himself a little more comfortable. Using Liam's chest as a pillow ] "I like this position Li does that sound weird?"

"It's not weird at all I like it too"

Back with Harry, Louis, and Bethany 

"It's half past six. We should go." Louis says 

"Aww really we were having a lot of fun!"

"Says the guy who hated being her company two hours ago"

"She's actually quite fun!"

"Are you hitting on her?" [  Louis places his hand on his hip ] 

"No babe I'm not oh my god I love you" [ leans forward and kisses him softly ]

"Guys, what do you think of this top?" [ Bethany comes out of a dressing room ]

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