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Liam was laughing uncontrollably.

Bethany was sitting there awkwardly in front of them.

"Hey! Don't laugh it's not funny"Niall started to chuckle. "It's really tasty though!" he playfully pushed him.

Liam starts to laugh even more "Cheese and chocolate? Together? Wha- I mean what is that." He chuckles 

"I'm sorry i'm weird."

"No bother, It's not that i'm that normal. guess we could make a good team." he smiles and then starts to look at Niall. "which school are you going to??"

"We're going to Ter--"

Liam dosn't even bother to listen to Bethany "Niall?" He has his whole body turned to Niall now. 

She sighs and stands up "uuhm is there a bathroom I can use?

"Yeah sure." Liam just looks around not even looking at her.

Niall doesn't even know what to say for a moment and then he looks up at Bethany. "Do you-want euhm- Do you want me to go w-?

"No, just stay. I'll find it by myself." Bethany snaps back. " You can chat the hell out of each other." She walks away looking for a bathroom.

"So Niall? Which school are you going to?" he has his full attention on Niall.

Niall starts to get a little uncomfortable and he starts to just look around. Terence College, Dublin. 

"Do you like it there?" Liam starts to get a little closer.

"Yeah it's fine. Do you mind if I have a check on Bethany to see if everything's ok with her?"

Liams smiles fades "Sure. . ."

"Bethany, you in there?" He knocks on the door for a second time.

"Fucking go! !" she is standing in front of the mirror wondering if she's not good enough for Liam.

"No Bethy! Let me in! I'm not leaving!"

"Leave me alone and go to your Fucking boytoy! !"

"Excuse me!? What the hell is wrong with you! !" he starts to bang on the door even harder.

Liam was playing with is fingers, still sitting on the sofa. Waiting for Niall to come back. "What is taking him so long??" His phone starts to vibrate. 

From: Zayn Malik 

To:  Liam Payne


Hey Bro! Sorry for not answering any sooner ma phone died. Hows the meeting going. Did some hot girl win? :p x luv ya mate!

From: Liam Payne 

To: Zayn Malik 


There is some girl named Bethany?? But I haven't really paid attention to her . :p luv ya back man! x

From: Zayn Malik 

To: Liam Payne 


Then who is it? A boy? Hahaha xx 

Liam smiles when he sees the message.

"No you idiot! He's flirting! Can you not see that!!" She screamed really loudly.

Niall trys to stay calm "That's not true, He's just being nice Bethy! ! He doesn't even like me"

"You know, just leave it, yeah!? I'm going to the hotel room. You can say i'm not feeling so well, you could care less about me . Seems like you don't need me either! !"

"Ooh c'mon! You're being ridiculous!"

"No! Not at all!"

"Don't do this please!"

"Too late!" She stormed off leaving the ladies room slaming the door shut.

Liam gets another text

From: Zayn Malik 

To: Liam Payne 


Dude! Answer me! Louis and harry want to know too! xoxo Is he hot?

Liam smiles and decides to torture them so he puts his phone away

Niall reaches Liam "Hey, i'm back. . ."

"Hey is everything alright?? He gestures to Niall for him to sit down next to him

"Oh well Bethany's not feeling so well, she said she was going to head up to our room." Niall sat down leaving enough room.

Liam puts his hand on Niall's shoulder. "I'm sure she'll get better soon. . ." He smiled softly practically more worried about Niall then her.

He positions himself better on the sofa. " Don't you like her or what?--"

"I do! She seems really nice and fun!" Liam said it not sounding too sarcastic. 

He looks strait up at Liam. "Then why are you ignoring her?" Niall sighed.

He doesn't know what to say. "Uuhm I don't?? He changes the subject. "Let's do something yeah? I'll show you around."

He sighs "Fine, lets go."

Later that Day right before dinner time 

Liam was sitting on the bed, Surfing on the internet and he got another text again.

From: Zayn Malik 

To: Liam Payne 


You damn answer me (us) ! ! xx

From: Liam Payne

To: Zayn Malik 


Yeah it's a boy (: x He's hot.

He hears knocking on the hotel room door "Yeah come on in!"

???: he/she walks in and closes the door behind him/her. "Liam I need to talk to you for a second." 

"Sure?" He sits up against the headboard putting his phone away.


Sorry for the cliff hanger I might post another chappie later today maybe 

Vote and comment <3 

Bye loves - Bardrad 

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