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"Before you speak is this about that one guy you--"

[looks up at Louis when he couldn't place the information in his head, whispers] "What ya talkin' about Lou?"

[smiles as he rubs Harry's inner thigh, mouths] "Just listen you'll understand."

[shoves to the sight sitting next to Louis in a comfortable position, nods as he smiles back]

[feels awkward and nervous at the same time guts up from his bed and walks around in the room] "Well i'm not going to beat around the bush so yeah." [he says as his word filled with shame]

"Okay go on, i'm listening as is Harry." [looks at him, giving him a quick peck on the lips]

"Well I guess I might-- [accidentally walks against a vase with flowers, which breaks into many pieces when it touches the floor] "AAH Fuck man!!!"

Bodyguard: [hears squawking, knocks on the door] "Liam are you alright?"

"Yeah no biggie thanks though." [decides to clean it up later if someone else hasn't done it by then, he walks over to his balcony since his bodyguard might hear him otherwise]

"Liam what was that?" [imitates Liam] "AAH Fuck man."

[chuckles] "Just me being clumsy, casually running over a vase y'know Bad Boy Payne. . ."

[giggles] "Bad Boy? Seriously Liam?" [sits up against the headboard, his back began to hurt] "Now, do you want our help or not?"

[sighs, closes the door of the balcony behind him which is attached to the bedroom, smiles as the warm breeze from during the day hasn't completely died down] "Yes. Ok I don't really know how to say-like-yeah" [pauses] "The guy is named Niall and . . ."

A little later with Niall and Bethany 

[seated in a stool in the small but luxurious kitchen attached to there room, taking out his iPhone, going on Wi-Fi since he hasn't something better to do] 

[he logs in on Tumblr looks at his dash and gets a sudden feeling of guilt as he sees all of those friends quotes appearing on it, gulps as he stands up, at least he could try to do something about their friendship]

[reading a magazine, her legs crossed hanging over the armchair with a warm cup of tea next to her]

[leaves the kitchen, taking place across from Bethany fumbling with his hands not really knowing what to say nor do]

[minutes of silence had passed with him just sitting there and her reading a magazine till he came up with something] "Why weren't you in the restaurant?"

 [turns over another page, lauging inwardly as she reads the title] "Why'd you care?" [bows her head and continues reading]

[scoffs] "Maybe because i'm still your best friend?" [leans back into the couch, hoping the tension on his shoulders would flow away, he was here to clear things up not for another bitchfight]

[closes her magazine throws it on the coffee table taking her tea between her hands right after] "Oh really, that's why you came looking for me, I was here the whole damn time and when you arrived back you didn't even say anything."

"Liam actually did" [well he pretended but lets leave that bit out]

[takes a sip of her tea] "He didn't find me though and you knew he wouldn't. You could've sent me a message but you refused to."

[sits up arms leaning on his upper thigh his body filling with anger] "No he didn't and no I didn't text you, but you aren't telling me it would help anyways and besides I had and still have the right to be mad at you."

[rolls her eyes] "I was actually going to apologize for that, I was really sorry and I felt bad for it but the fact that you didn't even try one tiny bit to get me into the restaurant proves enough. You're more self-centered than I thought you were."

[snaps back] "Bethany have you heard yourself? I am the one who joined you here, I, Niall joined YOU against my will!! And next time i'll call you a lesbian when you get alone with some girl you know? I don't think you would approve that huh? But you know what, I came here to talk this out but eventually that's not what you want."

[stands up placing her cup of tea violently on the table whereby it spills] "We'll talk this out someday but I guess now is not the time." [about to leave]

[turns his head around] "Okay fine! But at least we can act normal in Liam's proximity!!"

"Fine! If that's what you care about the most!!" [silence taken over as she had slammed her bedroom door shut]

With Louis and Harry 

[confused] "So they said you need to take a step back from that Niall boy?"

"Yeah that's what I've been told. . . [shivers since it's getting cold here on the balcony]

"And what about that girl um what's her name again, Bethany?" [ruffles his curls]

[hums in response] "And I should give her 99% of my energy."

"Is that what they told you?" [feels the duvet leaning n more as Harry gets out of the bed, whispers] "Where are you going?"

"Getting us some drinks downstairs in the kitchen." [smiles before he pulls out his trousers and shirt having it a bit too warm since he came from underneath the blankets, heads out to the kitchen closing the door quietly behind him]

"No but that's practically what they mean." [changes his mind and goes inside since there's a chill breeze coming up]

"That's ridiculous what the hell Liam. . ."

I know but what can I do about it." [walks over to his bedroom locking him there]

"Eerm well you can sneak around at night to Niall or well he comes over to yours and then you guys have some time on your own."

[whispers] "What the hell Louis y'know that isn't possible with my bodyguards."

"Why are you whispering you weren't a few moments ago?"

"Because I stood on the balcony but I came back into my room and one of my bodyguards is standing right behind the door, which is another counter-argument for your stupid idea."

[laughs slightly at Liam's problems] "Seriously, right behind the door?"

"Yea I just heard him cough man, now seriously help me, the only thing you've been doing is laughing with my misery." [chuckles softly as he comes to mind how melodramatically he's acting] "No but seriously help me out."

[walks into the room leaning against the door frame with two cans of red bull in his hand, the cold wooden frame sending a shiver unto his spine when his right arm came in contact with it]

[smirks as he sees Harry in front of him with just his pair of boxers, examines him] "And what if you make her like someone else so shes kind of turns her back to you, so management haven't got a say in it anymore with you hang out with besides it's not for long anymore just till Monday morning' (2 days) if Niall is what you want. . . .?"

[walks closer to Louis resting his knees on the edge of the king sized bed taking his underlip between his teeth]

"Then I wonder who you are thinking of. She wouldn't fall so easily for any other guy since i'm her idol for fucks sake!"

[licks his lips] "What do you think about Harry Styles."

[eyes shot up, startled] What!?"

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