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I just landed in Canada. It was already pretty cold so I find my jumper around my waist and put it on, I collect my suitcase and walk into the room where people get picked up. I get into a taxi and head to the hotel. I get there and there's cars pulling up everywhere, then I see her. Jessie Fleming.

"Is that the Canadian superstar. Jessie Fleming?" I ask
"Shut up" she says and runs towards me hugging me.
We make our way into the lobby where Beverly has the room assignments on a board. Me and Cloé Lacasse are sharing. We get to our room and me and cloé talk for ages.

I had never actually been at camp before so I was feeling nervous obviously, but these girls acted as if they had known me for years. Cloé leaves to go and see some of her friends that she hasn't seen since she plays in England. So I take the opportunity to call my parents. "Hey mum, hey dad" I say as their faces pop on my screen.
"Hey have you landed in Canada?" My dad asks
"Yeah I'm in the hotel now" I say
"Have you seen Jessie?" My mum asks
"Obviously mum, she was one of the first people I saw" I say
The call ends. I make my way downstairs as Beverly needed to see me. I get to the final set of stairs when I bump into someone. "I'm so sorry" I say not looking up.

I help her gather her books and other things on the floor. "Hey it's fine" she says, I recognise the voice. I look up and see Trinity.
"Hey what you doing here?" I ask and give her a hug.
"We landed in Canada yesterday. We are here to kick your asses remember" she says
"Forgot about that" I say
We talk for a bit. Before Jessie's comes over "come on Lo, Bev wants to see you plus you shouldn't be talking to the enemy" she says
"Jess this is trinity. We go to UCLA together" I say
"Yeah I know who she is. Now come on" she says.
"Bye trin, I'll see you later" I say

We go downstairs. "Look who I found" Jessie announces to the room. I laugh at her and all the girls come over and give me a hug. "Logan walker right? I'm Julia Grosso" she says
"Hey" I say
All the girls introduce themselves before I head to Beverly's office. "Hey you needed to see me?" I say
"Yes, thank you for coming Logan take a seat" she says
I take a seat and she says "obviously your the youngest player on the squad, and usually I don't bring people who are aged 18 into the squad they are usually in the under 23s if you know what I mean" I nod my head. "But I just had a feeling about you, like I needed to give you a chance. So we need to get your shirt sorted. I presume you want your last name on the back 'Walker' because that's what you have at UCLA. But what about a number?" She adds
"Do you have the number 16?" I ask
"Yeah I do, how come you chose sixteen?" She asks
"I don't know, it just makes sense to me" I say
"Alright we'll I hope you feel welcome. If you need anything feel free to come and see me at any point." The British woman says

"Thank you" I say and walk out.
I go up to my room and I start unpacking most of my stuff. I hear my phone ring "hey" I say
"Hey" trinity speaks up
"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk" she says
"Alright" I say

We go to the hotel lobby and we go on a walk around Canada. The hotel was near my house "I'll show you my old house" I say
"Okay" we get there and I say "this is it"

"Aah cool, there's a hill right next to you" she says

We sit down on the grass "I'll show you when it snowing what it looks like" I say

We sit down on the grass "I'll show you when it snowing what it looks like" I say

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"I know you can't really tell by the photo but it's really snowy. And magical, this was from four years ago" I say
"Looks it" she says
I put my phone back in my pocket. "I miss Canada. Like I grew up here and I don't even know why we moved. My dad always says it's because we weren't getting a proper education but I know there's something deeper than that" I say
"I mean, growing up with my dad was tough. He was an American basketballer and when I said I wanted to start football he pushed me to my limits every time. Then my sister spoke up and said she wanted to do dancing and he got so pissed because not one of us wanted to do his sport. But then DJ was born and he did basketball I've never seen him look so happy. I know he's proud of me I just wished he showed it" she says

"Yeah well, I moved all the time as a kid. Always around Canada though, this was my home for the longest before Mississippi. Jess lives next door and it was just amazing. But then we had to move, I think my parents still own the
house but they don't like to speak of Canada unless it's for when we are going on holiday" I say

After another hour of talking we head back to the hotel. In the lobby was the Canadian girls. "See you later trin" I say and she goes, I sit next to Jessie. "Hey" she says and wraps her arms around me. "Hey" I reply

"What we're you doing with trinity?" She asks
"I was showing her around Canada" i say
"Okay" she says
"Now tell me about UCLA" Jessie  almost insists.
"Erm, I share a room with someone called Lottie she's probably my best friend there. Trinity plays on the team as well and we just have lessons in the morning, training on the afternoon, I love it there" I say
"Just wish you still lived here" Jessie says
Adriana Leon comes over "hey" she says and sits next to me.
"Hey" me and Jessie say in unison.

After a while all the girls finish up and head up to our rooms. I see trinity coming downstairs "come on I wanna show you something" she says

I say to Jessie "I'll see you later Jess"
"Alright bye" she replies
She takes me to the football pitches outside. She kicks me a ball and we start playing. I end up slipping over and lie on the floor laughing trinity hold her hands out but is laughing too. After about an hour we go back inside laughing. "Your back Lo" Jessie says
"Yeah" I say she gives me a hug, trinity says "I'm gonna go. See you later Logan"
"Bye trin" I say

I wake up, I look on my phone at the date. It's game day, Canada vs USA. I get my travel kit on and head downstairs with lacasse into the breakfast room. We eat our breakfast before getting ourselves onto the coach I sit next to Jessie.

We get to the stadium and familiarise ourselves with it. I see trinity walking out the tunnel. "Look I know your friends with her, but today no friends with the US team. They are our number one rivals. So no playing lightly against them and no light tackles. You go full out or nothing at all" Jessie says

"I know Jessie, don't worry about it" I say

The game starts and I take my place at the bench.

USA were definitely the better side, Tobin Heath and Christen press always running up towards our keeper however they  hadn't got any result out of it as it went into our goalies hands. Trinity dominates upfront as always.

At half time I get substituted. We stand in the huddle and pump each other up. I get the ball and run forwards I see Jessie making her way up front as well. I lob the ball over the keepers head it goes in, I run towards Jessie and jump on her. I scored my goal for Canada on my debut and the first goal in the game. Everything was white noise.


"We did not expect to see a goal so soon into the second half with the way things were looking, with the USA being the dominant side. Could Logan Walker be the next big thing?"

The game ends with us winning 1-0. I see trinity and give her a hug "good game UCLA" I say
"You too goalscorer" she says
I blush slightly, "and you were convinced you were kicking our asses" I say with a slight laugh
"Well if you weren't brought on it might of ended in an American win" she says
"Well, it didn't" I say. I give her another hug before leaving to go see Jessie. I jump on Jessie's back and give her a hug. She turns around and drops me she screams, "I fucking love you! Please score in every game from now on"
She gives me a hug before we go down the tunnel.

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