Which one?

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I land in Canada for the National team games. I see Jessie and run up to her. I give her a massive hug as I hadn't seen her since Trinity's funeral because I hadn't been picked for the Canada team. I see all the girls but something felt uncomfortable and unsettling and I couldn't quite work out what it was.

We make our way to the hotel with Jessie talking to me about everything that's happened over the last year. "Hey you good?" She asks
"Erm, yeah" I say
She carries on talking. "You know what Jessie. I've got a bit of a headache do you mind?" I say
She stays quiet. We get to the hotel and me and Jessie are sharing rooms.

"So how's your year gone?" She asks
"Yeah fine" I say
"Sounds convincing. What's up?" She asks
"No, erm nothing" I say
"I'm your best friend. Please tell me" she says
"It doesn't feel like home here anymore" I mumble
"What? What do you mean?" She asks
"I've not been picked for the team for the last year and I have no idea why not, I think I played the best football of my career. I've had managers tell me that so why haven't I been picked?" I ask
"I know why" Jessie eventually says with a massive sigh.
My eyes widen and I ask "what? Why"
She takes a sigh before saying "I may of told Beverly you wanted a break after everything that happened with Trinity"
I sigh, not even wanting to look at the person I call my best friend.

I stand up and walk out, I go along to Christine Sinclair's  room. I just fall into her arms, she hugs me back. I try not to cry but a couple tears manage to escape. "What's happened?" She asks
"Jess, she like told Beverly I needed a break from international football. I never needed a break" I say
"Yeah but it's been better for you. You've really improved. And you've moved clubs and you seem really settled there"
"I am, the girls are lovely and I just I just didn't see Jessie doing something like that" I say

We all wake up raring to get on a plane to England to play them at Wembley. We board our flight I still hadn't spoke to Jessie properly. I sit with Adriana Leon and Olivia smith.

Adriana asks "so you and Jess your still friends right?"
"Yeah, just she messed up" I say

"So you excited to be playing against some of your arsenal teammates?" Adriana asks me
"Actually yeah. Beth has been going on all week how she's gonna batter us. Leah's been going along with it slightly but not as much. Lotte keeps herself to herself mostly. And lessi, has been joining in Beth's practical joke. So I can't wait to kick their asses" I say
"That's it" Adriana says
"But this also could cause a lot of pain to the English fans if we win, they are at danger of not even qualifying for the olympics" I say
"I know, they went from winning the euros, coming second in the World Cup to not even being able to qualify. I mean the injuries are probably holding them back." Adriana says
"Yeah I guess. But I'm glad Leah and Beth are back in the squad." I say
"How come?" She asks
"Because otherwise they would be whining constantly about it. I mean don't get me wrong they are my friends and I love them, but an injury really gets people down and if we go beat their asses without them on that pitch they would be like well if I was playing England would of won" I say
"That's so true" Adriana says

We arrive in England and Ashley Lawrence sits with me in the bus on the way to the hotel.
"So what's going on with you" Lawrence says
"What do you mean?" I ask
"You seem happy, but yet sad what's happened?" Ashley asks
"I am happy" I say
"Good" she says and gives me a hug.
We arrive at the hotel and go inside, we have our original roommates, so I was with Jessie. I go up to the room and start to unpack. Jessie walks through the door "right, can we just talk?" She asks
"Why did you tell her I wanted a break?" I ask
"Because you were so drained!" Jessie says
"Okay" I say and give her a hug.

"So now tell me about your girlfriend?" Jessie says
"Woah. What?" I ask
"Oh come on your way too happy" she says
"Am i not allowed to be happy now Jess?" I ask
"Not what I mean. I can tell" she says
"Well your wrong" I say
"Mhm, okay" she says

After we finish in the hotel we walk round London. We get to a field and we sit in it.
"So you seeing anyone?" I ask Jessie, whose face goes bright red.
"Yeah I am actually" she says
"Oh my god who" I say
"Lottie" she says
"Like Lottie Lottie?" I ask
"Yeah" she says
I tackle her into a hug.
"Finally you scored" I say
"Thanks" she says sarcastically

We finish up after a while and head back to the hotel. "Did you sort things out?" Olivia asks me
"Yeah" I say


We wake up and it's game day England Vs Canada.

We head downstairs and eat our breakfast. I sit with Jessie and we just talk among ourselves. Unexpectedly Beverly pulls me out. "I've got a question to ask you?" She says
"Okay" I say
"Obviously you have some English background in you" she says.
"I do?" I ask
"Yeah your mum was half English" she says
"Oh okay" I say, how come I never got told this.
"Since you haven't had 3 caps for Canada you can play for England. Sarina wants you to join the team next camp and play with them" she says
"What do you think I should do?" I ask
"It's not up to me, but consider it, I can tell your friends play for England and Jessie is here yes. But I know your not feeling as comfortable as you were last year" she says
"Thanks, erm am I getting to play today?" I ask
"Yeah definitely" she says

I go back in and finish my breakfast. "So spill the tea" Jessie says
"There's no tea to be spilled she told me I was playing that was it" I say
"Okay" she says.

We arrive at Wembley and go inside. We warm up where I see some of my teammates on the opposite side of the pitch. Lacasse comes over to me "look I know it's hard playing against our teammates but we can do this. Plus it will shut Beth up because we can now use it as an excuse ". I laugh at her and say "yeah that would be nice"

I look up into the stands and see Lottie, she's smiling at me so I give her a smile back. She was in the family and friend section. I say to Jessie "look Lottie is there"
"Where?" She asks
I point her out.

The game starts with Canada being the more dominant side. "Jessie" I shout as no one was marking me. She passes the ball and I run upfield I saw Leah not being exactly on her spot and if I shot she wouldn't be back in time but it was also risky since I was put even near the penalty box. But I try my luck.

I shoot from the middle of England's side. Then I feel a scream come out of my mouth and running towards Jessie "get in" I say
"What a fucking goal!" She says
The other girls crowd me but England are quick to get back in the game when we give away a penalty and they score.

Second half comes around and nothing happens making us draw the game 1-1. I go over and see Sarina. "Hey" she says.
"Heard you wanted me?" I joke
"Yeah, if your up to it" she says
"Yeah I am" I say
She gives me a hug and a camera catches it. Alongside the England and Canada players. "Thank you Sarina, I must really go back to my teammates but I can't wait to see you soon" I say.
"Yeah of course" she says with a massive smile, I run over to Jessie.
"What was that about?" She asks
"Nothing" I say

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