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We get back to UCLA and it's the same. I don't speak, I don't smile barely even laugh. I lie on my bed when Lottie comes in with Trinity. I was basically asleep underneath my covers. Trinity lifts the covers up and gets in the bed. She cuddles me and I instantly cry. Lottie sits on the end of the bed.


Trinity's POV

I leave Logan once she drifts off to sleep and see coach Jackson. "Hey coach" I say and walk into her office.
"I don't think she's going to make it to training tomorrow" I say
"Still feeling like shit then" she says
"Do you blame her? She just found out that her parents are dead and seen the blood to prove it. She's broken" I say
"She's been like this for a week, if it gets bad we have the admissions officer in here on our backs about her grades to the point we will have to drop her from the team"
"There must be something you can do, she can't help it." I say

After leaving the office knowing I got nowhere again. I go to my dorm. The next morning it's the same routine. I see Lottie in the morning, "still asleep sorry trinity. She cried for a bit during the night but then forced herself to sleep. I don't know what to do" Lottie says
"Yeah me neither, I just want her to be better. I can't help her but I wish I could" I say
I go to my sport rehab lesson. I see kaylee "still not feeling good?" She asks
"No I think she's got something pretty serious" I say.
"Alright, we'll I hope she gets better"
"Yeah me too" I say

We get back to the dorm to see her not under the covers. But we hear the shower. I take the opportunity to change the duvet set. I tidy up her side of the room when she comes out I see her arms covered in scars and she immediately finds a jumper to put on. I look at Lottie and by her face I presumed she saw them too. "You coming to training" I ask
She shakes her head and lies back down. I give her a hug and kiss her cheek. "I'm worried about you" I say
"Don't be" she replies.
"I missed your voice" I say
She looks at me and gives me a weak smile. "Please come to training, coach is going to go insane if you don't show up. Your one of the key players" I say
"Well I'm not going to be showing up, I'm leaving" she says
"What?" I ask
"Arsenal want me" she says and a smile grows on her face.

My heart drops and i say "Logan but-"
"But nothing" she says.

I hug her tighter. "I'm staying for this year then I'm leaving" she says quieter.
She gets out of bed to mine and Lotties surprise.
"I'm coming to training" she says.

Logan's POV

I definitely did not want to go to training but I saw how their faces dropped when I said I wasn't. I basically forced myself outside. I grab my cleats and get ready I didn't even want to show my face in the locker rooms.

I get myself on the pitch and start training, the girls slowly make their way outside. Mia and Evelyn are the first ones to come and see me "Logan you feeling any better, we got told you had some virus?" Mia says
I nod my head and Evelyn says "we missed you"

For the rest of the session everyone kept bothering me. I eventually lose it when Hannah asks "you good?"

I lose myself "do you think I'm good seriously?" I shout catching everyone's attention.
"Of course I'm fucking not, I've just came back from Canada where I got told the people I had grown up with weren't even my fucking real parents. My siblings are actually my cousins and my parents are dead. Oh yeah and my name also isn't Logan it's apparently destiny. Also I've seen their blood, oh yeah. I've even got the blood on a road to prove it. So don't come asking me if I'm the one that's alright. Because no I'm fucking not" I shout.

I carry on training whilst everyone just looks at me. "Right girls back to training" coach Jackson says
A few tears fall out my eyes but I wipe them away and ignore it. "Logan, I think it's time you sit out. Just for a little break." Lottie suggests
I ignore her and keep going. We finish training and I go in the locker room. "I have something else to say" I announce to the room. The girls immediately look at me.

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