Chapter 2 away for Christmas

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Lillian approached the piano just as the last girl finished up her last few notes. The girl who was sat at the piano seemed to be desperate to get away as soon as Lillian's brother entered the room. From the corner of her eye Lillian could see her brother entertaining a group of ladies of to the side of the room.

The brunette girl finished the song and almost ran away from the fire as if a vicious fire had struck it. Lillian sat down as the men and women entered, left or stayed in the dance floor. Lillian saw her sister and Mr Mason enter the dance floor, her heart leapt as she placed her fingers on the keys. She turned to the page entitled 'joy to the world'.

Her fingers shook over the piano, and finally she began to play. "Joy to the world the lord has come let  earth revive her king" Lillian began. Her sister was beaming with admiration, things were going well. Lillian felt a little calmer now and carried on. "Joy to the world the savior reigns"

About two minutes later Lillian finished and sighed knowing everything was perfectly on track. She was about to strike up another tune however he fathers, mother and eldest brother looked at her from across the room as if to say, come here.

Lillian left the piano and walked over to the group in the corner. In the group were the Pembroke's, Mr, Mrs, the daughter, also Mrs Clark as well as her husband and their two eldest sons.

"Lillian my dear," Mrs Pembroke said as Lillian greeted her
"Oh Mrs Pembroke, how lovely to see you again"

"It's a pleasure," Mr Pembroke said

"Lillian, Mrs Pembroke just made a very lovely offer", her mother stated

"Oh really? May I ask what it is?"

"Well your mother and father have agreed you and your James are coming to spend Christmas with us". Lillian was a little shocked, why were her parents sending her away for the time of year your supposed to spend with family.

"Oh! How lovely"Lillian lied

"Very much, you're leaving on Wednesday, just to settle you in. Lillian was utterly flabbergasted now, not only was she being sent away, but she was being sent away for seemingly the entire Christmas period. Wednesday was the day after tomorrow and Christmas was about a week away, this was just shocking.

"Thank you" Lillian said walking away. She would've told her brother, however she doubted he'd care, probably spending his time flirting with the female staff or idolatry wasting his time. Lillian however was looking forward to a sweet Christmas with her family painting Christmas cards and giving them out to the local people, making wreaths and singing songs on Christmas Day at the piano.

Lillian only danced once that night with her brother, purely because her parents made her, they said it would help her attract the men's attention. Lillian left it at that.

The Christmas redemption of Miss Lillian Brown Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang