Chapter 7 Gen z

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The two of them flew through the cold air. The wind bit at Lillian's nose and her face numbed to the frost. The woosh of the snow passed by her ear making her shiver. May floated down onto the floor, while Lillian crashed into a river.

"Dear goodness"

"Oh come on then" may said heaving Lillian out of the river

"Where are we going?" Lillian asked sopping wet


"School? Why should we go to school"

"Dear God! Look a lot changed, girls go to school, I go to school"

Before Lillian had a chance to ask everything racing through her head, May dragged Lillian into a school room. The space was wet and damp with a smell of wee violating the corridor. There was an air of joy in the atmosphere even though the environment wasn't exactly sanitary, everything somehow seemed on the up.

"May May!" A girl said running up to her with eager joy. The girl was short in stature but big in personality, she had a glowing grin and wore a black coat which hid the pink personality from within.

Lillian hadn't realised yet but she couldn't be seen. A loud shrieking noise rang out and Lillian was guided out of my the building by May.

Lillian spoke, somehow May didn't hear her. Lillian spoke again.
"Where are we going"

"Oh it's breaktime"

"Brack time?"

"Come along, you'll see"

Outside of the dingy building was a fresh, cold atmosphere. Lillian's nightdress wasn't equip  for this numbing weather.

The girl and May went up to a set of enlarged congregate stairs, they were messy and offered little comfort but gave a pleasant view of the found before them, like royalty in public on a thrown.

Others gathered round these stairs there was a curly haired, blonde girl at the top, a shot haired lanky girl with a joyful smile, a short one - not dissimilar to the sweet girl with May - with a starred coat, a smily brunette one, a blonde with a heart shaped clip and finally a boy with curly blonde hair and a dark green coat.

"Oh look May it's Nanny"

May turned around as quick as a solider hearing a gunshot. Lillian had sat herself in a corner, she watched with much confusion.

"Oh hi, you okay"

"Uh ye-yeah" May said grinning from ear to ear

Lillian watched the small interaction with deep uncertainty. The two girls were like friends but why was May like a five year old with a tuppence.

"Okay we'll I see you later"

"Okay, see ya"
May and Harley smiled at each other.

"May? Why, how? What importance am I to gain from this?"

"That's Nanny, things haven't always been smooth with us, there isn't even an us but I still love her"

May grabbed Lillian's hand and walked off down a path and into a house. The room was dimly lit, with a lamp in the corner. May sat beside Nanny, while Lillian sat on the bed observing the scene.

May looked down at the floor almost as if the scene was cutting her like a knife.

One of the girls giggled fondly while looking at something through a florescent light her hand the other played along but seemed a little off.

Lillian crawled off the bed over to the second girl who sat sadly on the floor.

"What ever is the matter"

"She can't hear you this is but a shadow it has passed"

"But whatever is wrong with her-you May?"

May swallowed hard and smiled as she looked at the carpet "She loves her, she always has in a way"

"She has betrayed your friendship?"

"No, she has broken my heart"

"Whatever is the point in this"

"Sometimes we loves those who are hardest to love"

"Is this a lesson, am I to be prepared for the further man I am to be betrothed to?"

"Edward isn't easy is he?"

"He is a vile creature"

"May would say she was as well, so why should I still love her? Against any reasonable ideas!"

May said before fading away and leaving Lillian in the now deserted room.

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