Chapter 11 redemption

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Lillian and Edward - both confused about there situation- turned to their siblings.

"James, what day is it?"

"Christmas of course"

"Yes, yes! Of course it is!" Lillian said.

The rest of the day much merriment was carried out, presents were given and Lillian had painted her Christmas cards. Edwards was by far the prettiest, it was of the house perfectly sprinkled with snow. The tree branches overlapping the image with a singular deceased leaf hanging onto the branch.

The turkey dinner was served up with many steaming vegetables. Dripping stuffing, a broth, hot chestnut steaming from the bowl, a cranberry sauce and mint sauce both vibrant in flavour. The pudding was by no means a let down to the previous course, the flaming Christmas pudding was moistly puffing out steaming from its flat head, the punch was topped up and the cream was whipped to peaks as large as mounting, the custard was thick and slipping with a daffodil yellow hue.

Once he'd finished his dinner, he walked down to the kitchens. He's never seen them before in fact much of the staff were estranged to him. The leftovers, still steaming and hot we're about to be thrown away while the staff ate their broth.

"Wait!" Edward said stopping all movement instantly in the kitchen in moments. The staff all stood up and looked toward him.

"Is there something wrong sir" the housekeeper asked

"Yes indeed, don't throw that away"

"Sir the food won't be good tomorrow"

"Indeed, that is why, you must have it yourself"

"Are you quite certain, sir?" The butler asked surprised

"Indeed, it's Christmas for all not just us, and when you've finished leave"

"Leave sir?" The housekeeper asked apprehensively

"Yes it's Christmas do go spend it with your family, and any leftover food after that take it home" Edward giggled

"Thank you sir" the butler said gratefully

Edward said nothing more but shook everyone's hands joyfully wishing each a merry Christmas.

The rest of the day was spend with much music and dancing, Edward only danced the night with Lillian. When the dancing began Edward asked Lillian immediately.

"Miss Brown would you do me the grand honour of dancing of me?"

Lillian hesitated, "doesn't my dress make me look worse than a horse?" She asked bitterly

"Yes, a grand creature and most majestic"

"Then yes, I will do you the honour" Lillian laughed gladly

The final hours of the day Lillian spent in the drawing room, with Edward. The fire was crackling away and it was just like before.

"I finished my article"

"May I read it?"

"I wish you to"

Lillian read, the last paragraph particularly drew her back:
'The most important part of women's rights i learned from a woman I was introduced to in the passing weeks, at first she was a frivolous girl to me however now I realise she is a pioneer of modern rights. She has showed me how women are equally as smart, hard-working, beautiful and most of all have the most strength of character than anyone can comprehend"

Lillian looked up at Edward, "who would this pioneer be?"

"The girl you wake to see in the Mir-" Lillian didn't need him to answer her question. She kissed him and Edward felt truly seen for the first time in years.
He paused, before he went over to the fireplace, he had no ring but much to his surprise he found a beautiful, ruby red ring by the fireplace.

He grinned but walked back over to Lillian making her stand up.

"What are you doing" Lillian laughed
Edward kneeled down like a knight being knighted and held out the ring in his hand.

"Lillian Brown, do me the massive honour of becoming my wife?"

"Yes!"Lillian said jumping like heartbeat

The Christmas redemption of Miss Lillian Brown Where stories live. Discover now