Chapter 12 happy endings

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The next week was by far the most joyfully eventful. Lillian departed from Pembroke hall on New Year's Eve, but in the carriage she was not alone, her brother was clearly joining her upon her return however Edward was also joining her, he was her fiancé after all and Edith also came with the party.

The journey was far more enjoyable this time, there was much conversation and the merriment hadn't ended. Edward and Lillian were very loving holding hands it was as if a spell had been cast over them. Well, the spectres certainly played a part.

Lillian, Edward, Edith and James arrived at the Browns bustling home in central London. Everything was just how she'd left it, the  scent  chestnuts was wafted though the air, the loud market could be heard in the background and the houses and street still dusted on the titles and cobbles with the white dust.

They arrived at the house, of the centre of the city. Mrs Doyle and the few maids quickly arrived outside to collect the cases of there guests.

"Lillian! Lovely to have you back my dear"

"I have missed you Mrs Doyle"
Lillian, Edith, Edward and James were led inside. The maids took there coats and hats before leading them into the drawing room.

Lillian's mother, father, sister, the masons - Mr, Mrs, Mr (her sisters fiancé) and Miss - and her eldest brother and sister in law all stood and sat in the room.

"Edward!" Mr Mason, her sisters fiancé said greeting him
"Whatever are you doing here old chap"

"I am here with the Browns"

"Of course, the girl and James stayed with you, did they not?"

"Lillian and James did indeed"

"Lovely to have you with us Edward" Mrs Brown said curtsying to Edward gracefully "As you, Edith"

The housekeeper brought out five glasses of brandy and six glasses of wine. Each of the men taking the brandy and each of the women the wine.

"I read your article in the paper Edward, rather strange is it not? Women's rights?" Mr Mason continued

"No I believe women should be equal, in fact Lillian and I will be setting up in publishing together"

"Oh Edward that is very kind of you, however I am afraid Lillian cannot join you, she is unmarried and her focus is to be finding a husband and providing an heir"

"Oh Mrs Brown I see you concern, however you needn't worry. As Lillian will be married in the new year" Edward cleared his throat "to me"

Lillian's mother dropped her glass. Her father didn't hesitate.

"Oh dear boy, welcome to the family" he said shaking his hand vigorously. Everyone began to congratulate them.

Finally as for Lillian and Edward they were married on Valentine's Day in the new year and lived happily together on a estate in Yorkshire. As for the Browns and Masons, Lillian's sister was married to Mr Mason their marriage was rocky however she was somewhat happy. The Pembroke's would often visit Edward and Lillian as well as the Browns. And James and Edith became great friends, Edith became a teacher and Edward became a charity worker and speaker.

One Christmas Lillian pronounced to everyone "Christmas is the best of the year especially spent with those you love" and by far she was right.

The Christmas redemption of Miss Lillian Brown Where stories live. Discover now