Chapter 4 a most disagreeable man

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Lillian was woken up by Heather, unaware she had nodded off. "My lady, my lady" Heather said gently tapping her.

"Eh? Oh, Heather! Did I fall asleep"

"Afraid you did miss"

"Oh of course, what hour of the day is it?"

"Madam, it is half-past five."

"Oh goodness, I need to be ready for the gathering in an hour."

"I know my lady that's why I woke you"

"I see, well shall I get ready?"

"Yes of course my lady"

Lillian's preparation for the occasion was a meticulous display of careful attention and dedication, mirroring the effort she had put into the ball.However, this time, she made the confident decision to embrace a more understated and elegant makeup style.She delicately applied a touch of lipstick that truly enhanced her beauty. Her favorite part was the dress. It was a black dress that praised her figure beautifully. It had red ruffles on the shoulders and when Lillian saw the final result she felt great confidence.

Lillian walked down to the drawing room, when she entered she was greeted with a greatly heartwarming sight. The Pembroke's, their children as well as a few guests for whom Lillian hadn't met. Lillian soon saw her brother and walked over to see him.

"Hello James"

"Lillian, your look is splendid."

"Thank you" Lillian said

"This is Edith"

"Oh pleasure"

"May I say that the dress is absolutely stunning."

"That's very kind of you." At that moment the butler approached with a tray of champagne.

"Edith, would you do me the honor of introducing me to everyone, I only know your parents."

"It would be an absolute delight." Edith guided Lillian towards two people in the corner while her brother was approached by a man whom Lillian assumed to be Edith's brother, Edward.

"Lillian this is, Peggy and Beatrice, my younger sisters"

"Pleasure" Lillian said as bowing
"I trust you had a pleasant journey" Peggy inquired
"Very much so"

Edith and Lillian then walked around the rest of the room meeting guests of whom most Lillian already had some acquaintance with until they happened back upon Lillian and Edith's brothers.

"Lillian this is my brother"

"Lovely to meet you"

"I am sure"

"Your dress does look very lovely, Edith" her brother said "as is yours Lillian"

"Edith's is respectable but black, gives a lady that most gloomy air"

"I think it black makes me look beautiful"

Under his breath he muttered "nothing can make you beautiful I've seen horses look better" Edith and her brother didn't seem to hear but Lillian did. Had she been in her own home she would've raised her voice but this time she chose to keep her tongue.

The rest of the evening proceeded with much merriment, Lillian danced with her brother once and a few other guests at the party but none were particularly admirable to Lillian, however none were as horrid as Edward. He continued to remark throughout the evening how Lillian was childish and unattractive.

Lillian by the end of the night was more than happy to retire after a vigorous night of fun and dancing to her room, on the way back towards her room, her and Edith walked down the corridor.

"I do apologise for Edward, he's always been so disagreeable to most women, no one is good enough as it were"

"Why do you think that may be?" Lillian enquired

"His studies engulf him, he's determined to be a writer"

"How interesting, of course he is still a most disagreeable man"

The Christmas redemption of Miss Lillian Brown حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن