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Yoongi pov
"What!!! Park Jimin???" Hoseok asked.
"Yes , he called me".
"How did he got your phone number?"
"If he got my number and called me I would have been good but he called my house telephone ".
"What!!! That means he knows your house!!".
"Not only that Hoseok , yesterday he came near my house". Exactly I'm damn sure he came , otherwise how will he get to know that I was about to kiss Yn.
"Boss , Better we search him and kill me before he does something stupid".
"I don't know Hoseok , I'm not in my right mind to think of anything".
"Sir but I can tell you this much , Yn is yours. You should not leave anyone to take her from you , you are literally married to her".
Only if you know how I married her.
Yn pov
It's already been 1 week since that incident. Yoongi is acting a little suspicious nowadays.He's always busy with his work , so I feel so lonely. He also told me not to go out alone. But I can't forget who was with me at this point. It's Emily , her small cutie pie son and Chimmy. Yes , Chimmy always texts me and we talk about random stuff. He's kind of a funny guy who always makes me laugh. We literally became close online friends within a week. I told him that I want to meet him so bad 3 days back because he's kind of a nice guy even though he's living in Italy. Yesterday night he texted that he wants to meet today. I happily agreed Because I don't have any other work . He asked me to come to some cafe which is far away from my house. I was lil upset that I wanted to walk there but I was okay because I was meeting him.

Currently I'm in the cafe which he said. It's already been 10 minutes . Will he really come? Or he just pranked me? Did I trust him more? Is he the same like other online boys? Shit!! I should have asked him for his phone number. Should I text him? So many things were running through my mind. Suddenly I saw a man walking toward my table. He covered his face by holding a bouquet in his hand. Black suit , chelsea boots , his fingers were covered by big silver rings. His height is approximately 5.7 to 8, literally a bad boy vibes. He slowly walked towards me and showed that bouquet towards my face. Now , I can't see anything but only a bunch of red rose bouquet with Black wrap. I pushed the bouquet from my hand to see his face. Damn!! He's so hot. He's giving a book boyfriend vibe fr. But his face , I feel like I have seen him somewhere.
"Lost seeing my handsome face?" He said. Then his eyes went towards the bouquet which he was holding. I slowly took that bouquet. He sat opposite to me fixing his coat.
"How am I? Handsome than your husband right?" He said, smirking.
"I agree that you're handsome but not more than my husband". Actually I'm not able to compare him and Yoongi, both are handsome in their own way.
" Ohhh , anyways happy anniversary". He said.
"An-anniversary? Today?"
"Ha. Today".
"It's not today though, it's only been 3 months since we got married".
"For me it's today".
"Seriously you're so so so fishy". He just laughed. Am I funny?
" Did you order anything?".
"No ,I don't want anything".
"Let me buy coffee at least".
"One coffee and one tea , she doesn't like coffee".
How does he know? How? He looked at me and smiled.
"How do you know that I don't like coffee?".
"I-I- guess it".
"Who are you?".
"It's me , I'm Chimmy".
"No!! Chimmy? I don't believe that also as your name. First Dooly , the fucking cartoon character and now Chimmy , it doesn't suite you. So , better tell me who are you? What's your real name?".
"Park Yn-".
"MIN YN!! I'm Min".
"Okay okay. Min Yn, you don't remember me?".
"Remember you ? Who are you? Do I know you?".
" Yes, you know me".
"Who are you-".
"Let me tell you something interesting".
"You're a fool".
"Ha?". I sat there like a dumb.
"You believe people's words so easily, yn. I'm nothing to you, I'm just your online friend. Don't worry".
"You are not online anymore".
"We're sitting in front of each other. So , we're actual friends now".
"Yeah yeah , great!!".
We just talked about random stuff , he said he's a spoiled brat so he doesn't go to work. After drinking coffee, we went out.
"Come , get in the car. Day just started". He said showing his black Porsche car.
"No actually , I can't get inside the car . I'm scared".
"Scared? Of cars?".
"Actually I have Amaxophobia".
"So , you can't travel in any vehicle?".
"No no , I can go on the bus" .
"Then come, let's go by bus only ".
"What about your car?".
"It's okay , I'll tell my friends to take it".
Then we got on some bus and he took me somewhere. I don't know why I'm trusting him , I mean I already have a husband and he's a stranger but still I'm trusting him. How much does it mean I didn't ask him where he's taking me now?.

He took me to the mall. We really enjoyed ourselves a lot. Not gonna lie, I felt like I'm single and I went on a date with my boyfriend.
We played a lot of games. Watched a movie. Then we went to some park and enjoyed it a lot. It was such a silly place but still it gave me more impact.
Currently we are walking on the footpath to go near the bus stand.
"Do you like any games?" Chimmy asked me while eating ice cream.
"Like what?".
"Any fun games? Like truth and dare?".
"Truth and dare? I never played that , so I don't know if I like that or not".
"Let me tell you , you love that".
"Simply I have read that in your face".
Again he said the same thing.
"Are you a psychologist or something?".
"You can read people's mind and face easily na so".
"Hahaha , no . I can only read your face, that's it".
"Why only mine?".
He came and stood opposite me.
"Because you are special to me, Shona".
"What did you say?".
"I said you're special to me".
"No not that , after that".
"I didn't say anything".
"No you said something-".
"Bus came !! Run!!!" He held my hand and dragged me.

I entered the house and saw Yoongi sitting on the sofa. As soon as he saw me he got out and came towards me.
"Where the hell were you?!!! I searched for you like an idiot everywhere!!! Why can't you receive my calls??? I called Emily and she said you're not with her!! Where were you???? With whom you went??
"Can't I go alone anywhere? should I always take anyone with me?".
"Yes , I went alone". I said and went towards our room , obviously Yoongi followed me
"I told you not to go anywhere right?".
"Who are you to control me?".
"Im-I'm your husband Min Yn!!".
"Just because I'm your wife , you can't control me like Yoongi. You are being toxic, I want to go out and enjoy myself. Not only alone , I want to go with you but my workaholic husband doesn't want to go anywhere". Yes, Chimmy took me to the places where I planned to go with my husband. I felt ashamed for going with some other man to such places. It doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy it. I enjoyed it , but it would be nice if it was my husband who took me there.
Yoongi looked at me for a damn minute then went near the cupboard and took a pen and paper . He throwed that on the bed.
"Write!! Write all the places where you want to go. I'll take you everywhere when I have a day off. C'mon write it!!".
"Do I have to write that for you Yoongi? You don't know which place you have to take your wife? Which place would I like to go with you?".
"Yes!! Then how can I know which place you like to visit? What if you don't like the places which I take?".
"You know what? I'm tired. Let's stop talking about this".
I said and went inside the washroom to freshen up.

Yoongi pov
Shit !! Shit!! Shit!!! I fucked up. I'm regretting all the words which I said. I should have handled the situation calmly.
The washroom door opened revealing Yn. She dried her hair and came near her side of bed and slept without saying anything.
Now , don't tell me she's giving silent treatment.
No response.
"I'm sorry".
No response again.
Damn it. Even I slept and turned off the light.

It's already 1am , still I'm not able to sleep. I turned towards Yn and saw her sleeping peacefully. I just smiled looking at her. Maybe she enjoyed it a lot today. At Least I'm glad she's safe.
"Never leave me Yn. Please, I can't imagine my life without you. Yn , I love you-".
"I love you Jimin, I can't leave without you. Pl-Please please don't leave me Jimin. Please!!!!"
She said in a dream, making me chuckle. I turned toward the opposite side. What did I even expect from you Yn. How can I tell you not to leave me when you're not even mine.

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