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Yn pov
"Hello!! Where the hell are you??" I asked Emily on call. It's been 10 Minutes sitting in this bangtan cafe. Chimmy is already with me but this girl still didn't come.
"I'm literally in the crossing , I can see you"
"Where?" I turned right and left. Then I saw her entering the cafe with Ethan.
"Is that her son?" Chimmy asked , he's sitting beside me.
"Yes , why? You thought she's single so you can try?" He just shrugged.
"Hiii" Emily said and hugged me.
"Emily, it's Chimmy," I told him.
"Hii , beautiful lady," Chimmy said and shook her hand.
"Hii" she said to him as I took Ethan from her hand.
Soon we ordered and started to eat. Chimmy and Emily started to talk about a few things. Emily literally told all my embarrassing moments to him and made him roll on the floor. I was happy that my two friends are becoming friends too. Chimmy excused himself and went to the washroom.
"Ngl Yn , he looks hot". Emily said .
"Don't forget you are married, Emily".
"That I have to tell ,dear".
"What do you mean?"
"My lowkey is telling me he likes you".
"YES YN , I mean it's my thought. I don't know whether I'm right or wrong ".
"You are wrong!!" I said.
"What's wrong?" Chimmy came and sat.
"Nothing," I said.
Chimmy and Emily exchange some many things. I was just sitting feeding Ethan. Soon, Emily got a call from her husband so she went out.
Chimmy turned towards me and started to stare at me and Ethan.
"I love kids". I said smiling
"I know"  he said , I turned towards him in confusion.
"I mean I can see that , you are taking care of Ethan as If he's your son". I just smiled.
"I hope one day I'll hold my own kid like this".
"You'll , don't worry," he said.
"But I feel Yoongi doesn't like kids".
"Whenever I ask about kids he'll escape".
"Maybe he wants time".
I just nodded.
Soon Emily came and sat.
"Yn , I want a favour from you?". She asked.
"Yes, tell me".
"I want you to take care of Ethan for 2 days". She said,
"Why? What happened?".
"My hubby and I are invited to a business party in Seoul. I can't take Ethan there. Babysitter is also on leave, so will you please take care of him today and tomorrow. Day after tomorrow I'll come back to Italy".
"Oh okay. Don't worry , you know I love Ethan more than you right?" I said to her, She smiled
"Thank you so much , Yn,. Then I'll leave now , we have to go to the airport" she said.
"Okay bye" I said . She kissed Ethan and told him to behave well with me . He got lil sad but he was happy that I'll be with him. Actually he loves me more because I'll always buy him ice cream even when his mom scolds, I'm like a typical aunt for him. So , he literally sees me as a friend.
"Ethan , will we go home now?" I asked him. He nodded happily.
"Come I'll drop you".
"You forgot I have Amaxophobia".
"How can I? I said I'll drop you on the bus. Then I'll come back and get my car".
"Woww , so sweet of you Chimmy. Come let's go".
I teased him and took my purse. I smiled at him and went out.

Time skip
Bus reached near our house. I got down saying bye to Chimmy.
"I'ble wok"  I Heard Ethan than telling something.
"What baby?" I brought my ear near his mouth.
"I'ble wok"
"You'll walk?" He nodded.
I said okay and made him stand. I mean he should learn right. He started to keep small steps. After some time we reached home. I opened the door.
"Ethan baby , tell me what you want to eat. I'll cook for you".
"Choki," he said.
"You want chocolate? I have it in the fridge, wait". I brought him chocolate.
"Ethan baby , let's take a rest now okay? After waking up I'll cook something delicious for you ". He smiled and nodded. I brought him to the room and he saw cartoon videos on my phone's YouTube. After a few minutes he slept, so I also slept while watching him.

Yoongi pov
I came home after a hectic day. I ringed the hell but there was no sign of Yn. I just sighed and opened the door with my key. I went inside the door thinking she's sleeping and I was right. She was sleeping peacefully with Ethan. Ethan hugged her , it was like a mom and son moment.
I slowly went next to her and blew air from my mouth between her ear and neck slowly. She made some cute noise.
"Wake up" I said slowly near her ear. She opened her eyes slowly.
"What's time?" She asked me.
"It's 4 pm"
"What? You came so early today".
"You should have said Ethan will be home right? I would have brought him something ".
"I didn't know you would come this early".
"So you want me to go now?". I was about to get down but she hugged me. Soon, Ethan started to move and opened his eyes.
"Yoongi , you take care of him. I'll cook something for him" Yn said.
"Okay , but wait. I'll get fresh up" I said and went to the washroom.

Yn pov
I cooked all of Ethan's favourite foods. I can hear Ethan and Yoongi's voices from the 1st floor. I placed all the dishes on the dining table and went to the room to call them. I was about to go but I saw Yoongi playing with Ethan. This view made me believe that Yoongi doesn't hate kids. But I really don't know why he doesn't want a kid. I mean it will be good to see this view everyday right?

"Both of you get out , it's food time". I entered and said.
"Come Ethan let's go" Yoongi carried Ethan and went down. I just followed him.
I went and sat next to them and started to feed Ethan.
After finishing the food I did the dishes.
I cleaned everything and went to my room to see them sleeping. I just smiled and went and slept on my side. Slowly I went to sleep.
Suddenly I felt flashes in my eyes. I felt my body paining, my heart beat rising. I was not able to open my eyes. I literally went to another world. I don't know what's happening to me.

Yoongi pov
I was sleeping, but suddenly I heard a voice. I opened my eyes to see Yn crying and murmuring something slowly. Ethan was between us , so I got up and went to her side.
"Yn?? Yn , you alright?". I started to slowly shake her shoulders.
"JIMIN!!!!" She shouted and woke up.
It took me a second to release what's happening. She was breathing heavily and sweating. Ethan started to move . So, I picked her up and took her out near the couch.
"Yn, wake up. Everything is safe " I said while rubbing her back.
She slowly started to breathe normally. I took tissue and whipped her sweat.
She turned towards me and slowly opened her eyes. All negative thoughts came in front of me.
Please Yn, please tell me my name. It's Yoongi not Jimin. Please Yn please tell my name please love please!!!
"Yoongi, what happened to me?" She asked slowly, making me sign in relief. I hugged her tightly.
"Nothing happened to your love . Nothing, you are safe with me. You are safe".
Then I slowly brought her near bed and made her sleep. After a few minutes she slept, then I went to my side and tried to sleep.

Time skip
I didn't sleep at night yesterday because of over-thinking. I was angry at myself that even when I showed her this much love for her I'm not able to remove his name from her mind. She basically loves him more than me. What If? What If she remembers everything, will she leave me ? What if he comes and makes her remember everything? Will she go with him? No , I should make something. I should search for that idiot and kill him. Yn is mine, she can't leave me!!. All my thoughts broke when I heard somebody knock on my door..
"Come in". I said. The door opened revealing Hoseok.
"Boss , someone came to meet you".
"I don't know sir ,he said he knows you. He wants to give you a case it seems".
"Case ? I'm Consigliere for god sake".
"I told him sir but he said he knows that you take regular cases also". Shit!! It's all because of Yn , I told You that I'm just a lawyer. So , I also opened Law firm. Now , people are coming holding their cases!!
"Okay , bring him".
He went out . After a few minutes the door opened revealing the most hated face in my entire life. My whole body boiled in anger but I tried to act cool.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I said to him.
"You're right hand didn't say you? I came to give you my case".
"Case?? Bullshit. Get out before I tell the bodyguard to kick you".
"Why what happened ? You kept people to search me, right? I thought not to waste your money so I only came to you thinking you miss me. Did you miss me that much Min Yoongi?".
"Even if you are the only person on this earth, I'll never miss you or see you . Park Jimin".
He came and sat in front of me.
"Now I came near as a victim and you have to take my case. I mean that's what lawyers do right?".
"I'm not a typical lawyer".
"But Yn said , you're just a lawyer".
"Don't dare to tell her name!!! ".
"Okay okay , so will you take my case or not?".
"Case? On whom?".
"On my wife's so-called second husband".
"Wait , here me out. He took advantage of my wife's memory loss and married her. Actually she doesn't love him atall , she's mine. So , I want you to give me justice" he said, fakely crying.
I know he's doing this intentionally!! He wants me to break down and get angry.
"That will never happen, I mean he literally married her. So she belongs to him. That's the law".
"Law? If that's what your law says , I'm going to break that law. I mean that's the other name for criminals right? Law Breakers".

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