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Yn pov

Idiot!! How dare he message me. He also called me 'wifey'. I tried to ignore it and was about to get down . I got a call from him. No way I'm picking the call. I got up from bed and went to freshen up.
I came back and saw literally thirteen missed calls. Eleven times from him and two times from Emily. I called Emily back.
"Happy Birthday , Yn!!!".
"Thank you , Emily".
"Are you free now?".
"You think I'm busy?".
"It's not like that , I thought Yoongi will take you somewhere. I mean today is your birthday right ".
"Yeah but unfortunately he said he has more work today . So he will come home late".
"Ohhh okay, then come to bangtan cafe".
"You come, I'll tell".
"Are you coming or not?".
"I'm coming, I'll be within 15 Minutes".
"Okay , bye".
I got ready fast and headed to the cafe

Time skip

I entered the cafe and saw Emily waving at me. I went near her and saw the cake on the table. I saw the cafe owner with her too. We are regular customers for her so she knew us.. Did she prepare this for my birthday? It's the first time I'm celebrating my birthday with her.
"What are you watching? Come and cut the cake". She said, I smiled at her and took a knife which was on the table and cutted the cake . She and the owner sang a birthday song. I hugged Emily.
"Thank you so much Emily. This is the first cake I cutted ".
"What? Didn't Yoongi bring you yesterday ? You didn't cut the cake at 12 am yesterday night?".
I just smiled and said no.
The owner wished me and went to her work.
We sat in the chair.
We had some food.
"Yn let's go shopping, money is on me".
"Why on you?".
"Because today it's your birthday".
"No but let's gooo".

Time skip

We had literally three hours of shopping. I was so tired and hungry. So we decided to eat in the shopping mall only. We buyed burgers and were eating until Emily spoke.
"Seriously Yn , sorry to tell you this but your husband is something".
"What do you mean?".
"I don't know, but sometimes I feel he's faking his love but another time I feel he's in deep love with you. I'm not able to understand him , I'm really sorry if I'm being rude. You are my friend and I want your happiness".
"But what can I do when he has work? I can't force him to be with me right?".
"I'm not talking about today's matter, anyways leave it. Today is your day. I don't want to make you sad".
"It's okay , Emily. You can tell me, anyway I'm not feeling today as my birthday ".
"Jimin… he told me everything. He told me all your history".
"Yeah, he told me how you both got married,  how you met with an accident , How you lost all your memories. He told me literally everything".
"And you believed him?".
"And you believed Yoongi?".
"Yoongi is my husband for god sake , Emily ".
"And Jimin is your husband too , Yn. Get that in your head. Before you lost your memory you were happily living with him".
"He told you that? That I was happy with him?".
"Yeah he even showed me so many pictures of you guys together".
"Pictures are fake Emily . Maybe he forced me to smile".
"I don't think it was forced. I can give a hundred percent guarantee that it was not forced Because I could see love in eachothers eyes".
"What do you want to prove to me , Emily?".
"That you are getting manipulated".

Yoongi pov

"What !! Sia escaped??".
"Unfortunately yes, but don't worry. My men are searching for her everywhere. We'll find her soon".
"Better you find her soon , Wooyoung. Otherwise I'll not hesitate to kill you".
"Trust me , I'll catch her".

"Boss what happened? With whom you were talking on the phone?". Hoseok asked me as soon as I cutted the call.
"Ha? It's Wooyoung ".
"Wooyoung? That day we went to his home only right?".
"Who's he to you? I mean I saw him for the first time that day".
"He- he's my .. ha!! My old friend".
"Oh okay".
"Hoseok , we have to search for a woman. I'll send you the details you searched for, okay?".
"Okay sir".
"And one more thing, keep an eye on my Yn and my house".
"O-o okay sir". He said and went out.
Seriously, I have to search for that girl before she reaches Jimin or Yn because the words she said that day are still in my head.


"Hello! Nice to meet you , Sia. I'm Yn's husband , Min Yoongi".
"Y-you mean f-fake husband".
"Mind your language, Sia. If he say yes I can kill you right now". Wooyoung said.
"That's what you can do right? Killing , beating, kidnapping. Just because Yn didn't love you and marry you , you got teamed up with this guy and played frame Jimin as villain? And you !! Just because Yn doesn't love you the way she loved Jimin , you said to Yn that Jimin is a toxic husband? Hahaha what funny . Did you ever imagine what will happen if she remembers everything in future?".
"Did you forget that your friend has PTA?". I Asked her.
"Yes, but did you forget it's temporary?".
"H-how did you get to know?".
"You think Jimin came here without any research? He knows everything about his wife . You will lose Yoongi , you will lose Yn for him. Moreover she was not even yours to lose". She said laughing which made my whole body burn.
"He can lose but not me". Wooyoung said.
"You? Hahaha .. you already lost my boy. You lost when she literally rejected you on her birthday in front of so many people".
Wooyoung was about to slap her but I held his hand.
"No , Wooyoung. Relax, she's not our target. And I have a policy not to harm girls. Let's not take her words seriously".
I said to him even though her words were pinching my heart. But I don't want to kill her. I want her to see Jimin dying with her own eyes. And she should also see me and Yn happily living together. She has to suffer mentally not physically.

Yn pov

I reached my house at 7 pm. I was about to open the door and saw it was already opened. Is Yoongi already home ? But he said he will be late right? Did he come to surprise me? I thought and entered the house. It was dark so I thought to turn on the light but suddenly string lights turned on. It started to give me the same aura which I got that day in the hotel. Don't tell me-
I slowly walked inside and saw a cake on the table.
'Happy birthday, Shona' was written on that cake. It made me confirm. Jimin is here.
"Jimin just came out.I'm not scared".
"I know you are here , just come out".
"Jimin-" before I could say something came straight in front of me. I leaned the right side which made it fall down. I looked down to see a knife. That's it . I ran up from there and entered my room. I looked at myself. My heartbeat started to raise. I could hear footsteps. Suddenly he started to bang the door. I went and sat near the bed on the floor. I took my phone from my pocket and started to call Yoongi. Unfortunately he didn't pick. Maybe he's in a meeting or something. God !!! Whom should I call now? Think Yn !! Think !! Ha!! Emily . Yes, Emily. I dialled the call for Emily. Fortunately she received it.
"Emily , save me please. Jimin is here to kill me".
"What? Yn talk loudly I can't hear you".
"Emily, Jimin is in my house. He came to kill me".
"Jimin? He's in your house? To kill you?".
"Yes yes yes!!! Please bring someone!! Or should I call the police?? Tell me something I'm blank".
"Yes, tell me please".
"Yn listen to me carefully".
"It's not Jimin".
"Are you mad ??? It's Jimi-".
"Yn!! Listen to me!! Lock yourself in some room. Don't open. I'll be within 5 Minutes". It's a male voice. Is this Jimin? Yes, it's Jimin's voice. Jimin is with Emily? Then who's this person?
"J-jimin? Is this you".
"Yes, it's me . And it's not me who's in your house. I'll be there within 5 Minutes. Be safe". He said and hung up. So , the person who's now here in my house is not Jimin? What about in a hotel? Is that also.
*Bang* shit it's a gun. He has a gun also? What should I do now???? God!! Please save me!!! I don't know whom to believe and whom not to believe now!!

It's been fifteen minutes. While the house becomes silent. There's no sound of that person from the past ten minutes. Did he go? Suddenly the door banged, making my heartbeat skip.
"Yn, it's me Yoongi. Open the door". It's Yoongi!! God finally!! I ran and opened the door. He hugged me tightly.
"I thought I would lose you this time". He said.

Currently I'm sitting on the bed. My whole hall was messed up .I thought about cleaning tomorrow as I don't have any energy to do that now. Yoongi said he came running home after he got to know Jimin was in the house so he forgot to bring a cake for me. I was okay about that because now what is eating my head is how he got to know that Jimin was in our house attacking me. I mean he didn't receive my call so he should have no idea right?
He came out after getting fresh up.
"You okay?" . He asked.
"Yes, why?".
"You were lost somewhere".
"Yes , I was thinking something".
"About some life decision".
"What decision?Is that about Jimin? You don't have to worry about him. I already informed the police,  they will arrest him" He said sitting in front of me.
"It's not about Jimin".
"It's about us".
"Us? What?".
"I want divorce".

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