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Yn pov

" I want divorce". I said, making Yoongi shocked.
"Wh-why ?". He asked.
"Because I don't deserve you".
" Everything started to make sense. Why did you never try to kiss me nor never tried to make love? Why did you say he doesn't want a child? Why were you being cold to me? Why was I doubting your love? literally everything made sense now. It's all because I was not pure. I don't belong to you. I was not born for you. You are my second husband and that too when my first husband is alive. How can a boy love a girl who has already been with another man? I think Yoongi , you deserve another girl, not me. I'm not a good wife for you , and I can never be a good wife. I think I have so many enemies, they are trying to kill me. So yeah please divorce me and marry any other girl. I want your happiness-".
"But my happiness is you , Yn".
"Yes, Without you there's no one Yn. I only love one girl in my life and that's you. I even know you love me, so let's stop talking this nonsense and go to bed".
"No Yoongi , this is not nonsense. Please take my words seriously".
"No Yn , your words don't have logic. Just because you got your first husband back are you trying to leave me? That will never happen. You are mine and always be mine".
"Yoongi please!! I'm not leaving you for him. I just..I just ".
"Just what? Tell me?".
"These many days I doubted your love, Yoongi. I thought you don't love me and was just faking. But no today I got to know everything".
"Wh-what you got to know? Tell me Yn what!!!?".
"Love you me Yoongi. You love me from the bottom of your heart . But I don't love you . I'm the one who's faking it. I don't love you Yoongi. I think what I'm doing is not love. This is not love, Yoongi. This is why I was always feeling different. Now I have clarity. I don't love you. So please leave me and marry someone who can give you true love".
Yoongi turned towards me. His eyes are red. I could see he was frustrated and was about to cry . But I want to make this clear for him. I don't think I'll get another chance. Yes , I loved him because he was my husband. I cared about him because he was my husband. That was my responsibility to love him because he was my husband. I loved him only because I'm married to him. I asked for kids because I love kids but not because I wanted to grow a family with him. Does that mean I'm forced to love him or I didn't have any option other than loving him because I was married to him. I still remember the day I woke up from a coma. My dad was not there, just Yoongi was standing next to me. When I asked who I was, Because I forgot everything due to the accident , he said he's my friend. Then suddenly my dad came and introduced him as my fiance. Then after two days he made my marriage with Yoongi telling me I loved him and he was my boyfriend. I believed them that day and married Yoongi. But now I regret it. Yes, I agree I would be happily living with Yoongi if Jimin didn't come into my life now. But suddenly I'm feeling my whole existence is wrong. I'm feeling like I got cheated on but why? Why do I feel that way? I want to know the truth and for that  I should get divorce. I was waiting for a reply from Yoongi. He looked into my eyes for a second and looked at the other side.
"Let your dad come tomorrow". Yoongi said and was about to walk out.
"Dad said he'll come next week".
"He'll come and make him come". He said and walked out of the room.
That's it? I mean what can I even accept? I literally broke his heart. I waited for him to come back to the room but he didn't come. Maybe he needed some time so I just slept.

Author pov

"Hello Jackson? Can you hear me? See me?".
"Yeah yeah I can see you. Why did you video call at this time Jimin? Did you call me early in the morning at 8 am".
"Early morning? It's 12 am in Paris".
"I'm talking about korea. Wait- it's midnight in Paris? And what are you doing standing outside? Go home already ".
"I wanted to show you something".
"Something? Did you see the ghost?".
"Yeah, kind of a ghost. You will be shocked".
"Shock? Bro you are scaring me. Tell me what's happening ".
Jimin laughed and turned the camera on the thing which he wanted to show.
"Not Wooyoung. It's Wooyoung's dead body".

Yn pov

I went down after freshening up and saw my dad sitting on the sofa with Yoongi.
"Dad". I called him.
"Stop calling me dad, you just made my name spoil".
"Wh-what did I do dad?".
"Why the hell do you want divorce".
"It's because I want to know something".
"What do you want to know? Ask me only, I'll tell you everything. But don't you dare to divorce him".
"I want to know the truth. I want to know what I saw before I went into a coma. I want to know all my friends who were with me before I went into a coma. I want to know everything. Will you tell me that now?". I asked, making my dad shocked.
"See ? Did you see Mr Lim? This is how she's talking from yesterday. I think there's some problem in her tablets which she's taking to recover. She's acting differently. This is not the same Yn I saw these many days. She's talking about all the nonsense shits from yesterday. I think somebody brainwashed her". Yoongi said.
"What do you mean yoongi? Are you telling my dad that I got mad after taking that medicine? Don't forget you were the one who was giving me the medicine. Just because I'm asking the truth doesn't mean that I became mentally ill".
"Yn , why do you need the truth now? I mean everything is over right? You are happily living with Yoongi right? Now why do you need it? Just forget everything and be with Yoongi forever".
"Dad, you are scaring me. What does that mean, forget everything and live happily?".
"It's nothing , Yn. Your dad is just saying bullshit". Yoongi said while coming towards me.
"Stop it , Yoongi. Yes, me and my dad are telling bullshit and you are the only one who's real and true here right? I'm just asking you what I was before I got in an accident and went into a coma. Can't you say that much?".
"I told you already, you were married to jimin. He was so toxic".
"Are you sure he was toxic?".
"Didn't you see he tried to kill you yesterday?".
"Jimin? No. He didn't ".
"It's not Jimin".
"Wh-what? Don't be silly. It's Jimin . Right know Mr Lim?" Yoongi asked my dad . He just nodded.
"I'm not joking Yoongi. It was not Jimin".
"Then who?".
"That you have to tell".
"You were the one who came in hurry yesterday night after knowing Jimin came to our house right? How did you get to know that? Who told you that?".
"Hahaha are you suspecting your own husband now?".
"I'm not suspecting you Yoongi . I'm just investigating you".
"You are not Lawyer to investigate, it's my job".
"Then tell me the truth".
"I really don't know what kind of truth you are expecting?".
"I-". Before I could tell. Someone spoke interrupted me.
"I'll tell you the truth".  I turned to see , Jimin?
"What the fuck!! What the hell are you doing here? How did you come? Where the fuck is security".
My dad started to scream.
"Anybody come and catch him!!". Yoongi shouted.
"Don't get stress bro . Nobody will come , because everybody is sleeping peacefully". He said showing Yoongi some bottle. It's chloroform.
"How are you father in law. It's been long time I have seen you. How's south korea and mafia world?". Jimin asked my dad. I look at my dad , he was sweating. What in the earth? Mafia? My dad is a business man right?.
"Dad are you business man right?".
"What? Did your dad tell you that ? Hahahaha omg!! Father in law you are so funny". Jimin said.
"You better stop calling me father in law and get out of my house " My dad told him.
"Why? I'm your daughter's husband right?".
"Was . Not now".  Yoongi said.
"What is this Yoongi ? A Consigliere don't know the law? Me and Yn never divorced bro. So, she's still my wife".
"Consigliere? It means the person who work for mafia dons right? But Yoongi is just al lawyer right".
"Yoongi.. you are a normal lawyer right? Why the hell he called you Consigliere?".
"Yn , you don't listen his words. He's manipulating you". Yoongi said.
"OMG!! Me? Manipulating? Her? OMG , just look at me? I'm so innocent for this world. You think I manipulating her?" Jimin said doing some cringe voice and face.
"Yoongi please, tell me he's lying".
"No I'm not Yn. Your so called second husband is not a normal lawyer. He's a Consigliere who work for mafia don. And that mafia don is non other than your beloved father".
Jimin said making me shock. I felt my whole world shattering. Am I hearing right? My dad is mafia don?.
"Not only him. Even my dad is a mafia don. We used to live south korea one year back. We both loved eachother and marriage even though your dad and my dad were enemies. We both happily lived for four months".
"Then what happened?"
"That someone will tell".
"Sia bring him".
He called someone. Soon a girl came with some man. I looked at her she was the same girl who helped me in hotel that day. I looked at Yoongi and my dad . They stood in shock. Do they know who's this girl?
"Why are you Standing out Hoseok? You also come inside. Your boss what's to see you".

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