Golden Child

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Across the still, weary hills,
Lives a tiny bundle of joy.
With eyes that shine so very bright,
Even gods might envy such a sight.

With servants around,
Day in- day out,
The young princess prances
And dances about.

She drinks happily,
Off the best fountains.
The beloved golden Child,
Of her playthings in mountains.

Then it came as it must,
A tragic battle of quests.
Robbing the feathered ones,
Off their hatchlings and nests.

Far away, in a lonesome land,
Sat weaving, a maiden young.
Of an Empire that never fell,
And of happy countrymen she sung.
As she stood and spoke yonderly,
Her heart tearing apart in agony.

"Come to me, O little virago,
Marcid in all your glory.
Melting your being,
with angels that sing...
Your tired soul, taking all in,
Peaceful in your heavenly abditory..."

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