For his sake

10 6 0

'And even after that, may you find your serendipity.'
She says as they met for the last time,
And what more could he have done,
when those words are spoken in a silky tone, too fine.

He knew she's not real, for she's selcouth,
as if a warm snuggery in the freezing winter dusk,
even though his walls stood so tall,
he couldn't help but look and find the trust in her eyes.

He wouldn't, for sure, mind getting lost till he lost his sanity,
and tried to find his truth in her eyes,
that bore into his, fiercely, protecting him,
with a net laced so well with pretty, white lies.

All of the absolute truth that he'd ever lost,
would be there, just waiting for him to see,
beyond the labyrinth to be destroyed,
compromising her existence for the first appearance of his plea.

And such is it, the beauty of hers,
in every way, sharp as the moon's core,
with every emotion that shines so bright,
in her orbs like the deep ocean shore.

With an eunoia and a simple lambent glow,
she burns for the sake of him to flow.

Yes Im not dead ^_^ 
But Im having my 11th finals so....
Im trying not to die!! Yay!! 🥳🎉

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