Choso relationship headcanons!!

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-is not a morning person at all. try and get up before him and he will pull you right back in bed with him spooning you, mans is strong as well don't even think about leaving until he's awake

why would u leave anyway 

-love language is probably physical time

-dates he would take you on probably late night drives with him or walks around shibuya/tokyo

-if you ever go shopping together and he sees you looking at something for a little longer than usual he would buy it for you and it would just be lying around wherever y'all live the next day, he'd just say he thought you would like it

-drag him along with you wherever you're going please, he doesn't like being away from you for long and if he is he's really grumpy and irritable

-isn't the best with words so his only response when you use them would be hugging you harder 

-doesn't like when you're near mahito

-adores when you sit on his lap and do his makeup for him

-play with his hair while his head is in your lap and he will melt

-knows you're strong and can defend yourself but in his eyes you're still so delicate and is scared of you getting hurt

-come back on missions with even the smallest scrape and he would be so scared

-goes hard on you if you ever trained together, needs to know that you can properly defend yourself

-hates PDA 

-alot of the time he will just motion for you to come over to him and lay on his chest, when you do he will just lie there with you in his arms and will gently rub his back either in silence or while you talk to him

-loves when you take out his hair and brush it after a long day

-considered cutting his hair short but whenever you brush it, take care of it and tie it up for him he is so happy so it changed his mind

-abuses the shit out of monster energy drinks with you, y'all have competitions to see who can chug cans of it faster. y'all also try new monster flavours all the time and remembers which ones you like and don't like

-i can picture him playing electric guitar

-whenever you take the train together he shares headphones with you

-heart swells whenever he sees you talking to any of his family members

-likes being big spoon but whenever he's super tired he would lie in the crook of your neck 

-if you told him you were insecure he would be so genuinely confused, like bro would just not understand why you would ever dislike, let alone hate the body that he loves and worships so much. I can imagine him saying something like, 'that? that's the thing you hate? that's one of my favourite things about you, why would you ever hate it ?'. he would go from confused to slightly upset that you view yourself like that and don't treasure yourself the way he treasures you

-back hugs are his favourite things in the whole world

-probably paints your nails and does your eyeliner and you do his

-i like to hc that he likes arabs or people of colour. if he was in a relationship with someone who wasn't his culture he would try his absolute best to know and understand everything about it

-if you ever make him feel used or unwanted he will leave immediately

-would die of pure shock if you kissed his cheek 

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