Megumi relationship headcanons!!

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-loves café study dates where you share headphones

-isn't very good at initiating some things like physical touch for example but relies on you for it 

-loves listening to you rant. could listen to you talking for hours and hours and hours and would take in every word you say

-hates when gojo teases you two for being together

-is really interested in the order of certain things you do, like the order of your makeup or skincare routine and asks you why each step goes in that order because he washes his face with shampoo

-loves pecking your cheek

-doesn't care about looks at all. if you ever say some silly shit to him like 'i hate how i look' or 'i look so ugly' he would be hesitant to reassure you because he's unsure of his word choice and is scared of stumbling over his words but tries his hardest to make you see yourself the way he sees you. 

-after you get comfortable he hates sleeping without you. y'all have to sleep next to each other every night either in his dorm or yours, he doesn't care

-is very accommodating to you so doesn't have a certain side of the bed he likes to sleep on, or a certain thing that is his and not yours. 

-blushes so hard whenever he sees you in his clothes, sometimes he hides your hoodies so you take his and sprays them with his cologne so it smells like him before he gives it to you. 

-places his shirts and hoodies lying around where you can easily find them so you take them

-makes a playlist of the songs you like, the songs both of you like, the songs that remind him of you, the songs he listens to when thinking of you, the songs he listened to before y'all were together, all of it.

-if you wear clips in your hair or whenever you're on your cycle he will carry spare hair clips or sanitary products with him in his pockets for whenever you need them

-loves holding hands or just intertwining fingers, always does the thumb thing whenever you hold hands

-because of his rough childhood he does needs someone to talk to and comfort him and nobody talks about how he saw tsumiki get cursed, itadori's heart get ripped out and toji killing himself so he likes cuddling or sleeping next to you with his hand over your chest, specifically your heart or putting his head on your chest or over your heart because your heartbeat reassures him

-uses cuddling as motivation or a bargaining chip

-places his head in the crook of your neck when you're standing and if he's taller than you

-admires your style 

-doesn't mind being big or little spoon, as long as you're there he doesn't care

-doesn't mind what dates you go on and would honestly be fine if you never went on dates as him just spending time with you is enough for him even if you're doing your own things together in silence. love language is definitely quality time. 

-your smile is worth more than the whole world to him, it makes his heart flutter everytime. 

-lets you play with his divine dogs 

-canon how he plays violin, so if you play another instrument he would love to duet with you, also loves when you help him with violin (if you play it as well)

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