scenario 11

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gojo had been discussing itadori's execution with the higher ups. this topic and the higher ups both annoyed him, but he had to go anyway for them to keep the postpone on his execution in place. he had argued back and forth with them after they asked for him to kill yuuji, and immediately stormed out at the first mention of it. gojo was frustrated, angry and upset that they'd ask him to do such a thing, and he stormed all the way home. 

you were cooking dinner in the kitchen when your bf gojo came in, kicking off his shoes and charging upstairs instead of his usual prompt clinginess that took over after work. not a word, no nothing. you go upstairs to see him flopped on the bed, angry. you sit beside him and try to talk to him but he simply turns around and places his head on your lap and grabbing your hand and placing it on his cheek, which implied that he wanted you to hold him and caress him like a baby. when you obliged and stroked his hair and cheek, his annoyance disappeared almost completely as he melted into your gently touch. he began to smile slowly, still not talking yet but when he did and he explained it he simply pouted and hugged you tighter, 

you reassure him and take a nap spooning him, and you wake up to the fire alarm going off because of the burnt food in the kitchen that you forgot to take off the stove.  

guys help i js watched the gojo incident with the tampon im going to gouge my eyeballs out 

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