Maki relationship headcanons!!

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-doesn't admit it, but after she got burned and got scarred, she felt so insecure. from the harsh criticism on her new appearance from her family and the mirror she loathed so much, she needed a lot of reassurance from you. 

bro i cannot she is so fine her scars make her hotter tbh. people with scars are hot idc what u say, if ur insecure, take this as a sign. ur sexy , scars make u sexy

-loves showers together

anything for her 

-being mean is her love language but you know its her love language and she's always mean to you so she's basically just in love with you and is trying to get that across in her own way

-her solution to any homophobes is breaking their kneecaps, smacking them shitless, and burning down their house <3 (same)

-you will most likely initiate any kind of affection because she's too scared but she initiates everything in the bedroom so 🤷‍♀️

- if she were to initiate affection she would barge into your room saying 'sup bitch, i'm bored. lets cuddle and watch a movie or something. idc if you're working, its irrelevant. c'mon now, lie on my chest'

-has absolutely no idea how to comfort you, so if she found you crying she'd panic because when she as little she'd get punished for crying. maki would most likely hug you and say something along the lines of, 'you're strong, don't give up..c'mon now, don't cry'

- if you're going on a simple mission like a grade 2-4 curse she would be fine because she knows how strong you are but if you have to go on a dangerous mission or a long one she will go with you. doesn't care if the higher ups say no, she's going. 

-always is holding your hand or has her hand around your waist/shoulder whenever y'all walk next to each other

-shows you all her cool ass weapons 

-big spoon but really wants to be little spoon

-loves cuddles especially on her period


-always angry but softer with you

-'missing you..or whatever'

-'hey sexy'



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