Chapter 7: The Black Bulls

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Asta is waiting to leave with his squad when Yuna walks up to him.

Yuna: Well Asta, this is where we part again.

Asta: Yeah, but the next I see you I'll be way stronger. Oh crap i'm supposed to go the waiting area

He then runs to the waiting area, while Yuna deadpans. A few minutes later he comes out and Yami grabs his head.

Yami: Why did you take so long huh? You tryna die kid? *glares*

Asta: N-no Sir!

Finral: C-captain could you hurry? It's hard holding this portal open.

Yami: Shut up and surpass your limits.

Finral: 'What the hell?!'

Yami then, quite literally, throws Asta threw the portal. He slides In his face, but when he rises up he stares in amazement as he looks at the building in front of him.

Asta: Woah. *starry eyes*

Yami: Welcome to The Black Bulls, the worst squad. *smirks*

They walk up to the door, the closer they get the more they can here what's going on inside.


???: C'mon Magna you gotta be faster than that!



???: All of you shut up, I have a hangover and you're making it worse.

Asta: Does this happen every day?

Finral: Unfortunately yes.

They opened the door, immediately Asta was hit with a fireball and went flying a few feet.

Yami: Everyone shut the fuck up! * Breaks a wall with his fist

Everyone shuts up

Yami: Ok enough of that, we need to introduce ourselves to the kid. I'll do it, the shades is Magna, the crack kid is luck, the black hole stomach is charmy, the taxi is Finral, the witch is Vanessa, the moving mountain is Grey, Mr corner-creepo over there is Gordon, the sister complex is Gauche, and of course the fearless captain Yami. Now you introduce yourself.


Asta: I'm Asta from Hage Village

Magna: You're from the boonies! That means you have to take the initiation.

Asta: The wha-

He didn't have time to react as he was pulled outside into a field.

Magna: Alright Rasta! Initiation time, first do 1000 push-ups!

Asta: Ok.

The next physical test go by and Asta passes them all with ease. Then comes the last test.

Magna: Alright Rasta last test, all you have to do if block my attack!

Asta: Seems easy enough.

They both get into a stance as Asta costs his hands in anti-magic.

Finral:*sighs* I'll get ready to save him.

Yami: Not this one.

Finral: Huh? Ok.

Magna: Take this, Flame Magic: Explosive Scatter Shot!

He launches multiple balls of fire and Asta stands with a bored expression.

Asta: Let's get this over with.

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