The girl at the signing

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A few days had passed and I had seen a few of there concerts, at every concert Ashley would start it off by telling everyone how privileged he is to have me there, i would usually just smile and hide my face from all the girls glaring at me. non of that bothered me until tonight.
At the end of the concert girls flooded into the signing hall, Ashley had me on his lap as he was signing stuff and one girl apparently realllllly liked Ashley because she glared at me the hole time she was in line, after she got everyone to sign her poster she finally got to me and Ashley

"hey cutie what can i do for ya" Ashley asked her in his usual loving voice

"Get rid of her" she glared at me and rolled her eyes

"whoa what did she do to you" Ashley said and started to get up put i put my hand on his chest, telling him to relax

"she took you from me" she sneered glaring at me

"hun to take something from you that object or person first had to be yours" I said and by now the room had gone quiet and everyone was looking at us

"HE WAS MINE FIRST, BITCH!" as soon as she said bitch Andy, Jake, CC, Jinxx and Ashley were all out of there seats

"BACK THE FUCK OFF" CC yelled at her

"guys its ok just calm down" I say trying to keep them calm but failing


"i agree with CC" Ashley said from behind me

"look lady i know you think i took Ashley but i didn't he choose me, im sorry if that doesn't make you happy"

"go fucking kill yourself so i dont have to look at you" as soon as she said that andy jumped the table and started walking toward her in a rage when the body guards grabbed him

"Enough andy" one of the guards pulled him back and Ashley put his arm around me

"dont listen to her ok baby" he said whispering in my ear

"im ok Ashley" i sigh " im sorry i ruined your signing"

"you didn't babe that motherfucker did" he pulls me close to him and i look around the room of fans who were filming the hole thing

"ill just go home so you can finish"

"wait dont leave" a skinny black haired girl wearing a bvb shirt stepped out of the crowed "just cause she was a bitch and hates you doesnt mean we do we love you" the rest of the crowed cheered

"see baby everyone loves you" Ash smiled down at me

"ok i guess i'll stay"

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