warped tour (day 3)

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We played our set as usual but today was different. Andy had gotten heat stroke, after our set I went to there bus to help out with andy.

I walk over and knock on the bus door then walk inside, the cool air of the bus hit me like a blizzard compared to the heat outside. Ashley looked over at me

"How's he doing?" I walk over to ash and look at andy

"He's alright, Juliet is coming over after her set to help us out" Ashley put his arm around me and looked over at andy who was now asleep on the couch, I sigh and shake my head

"Poor guy, I told his to wear sun block" I go in the kitchen and grab a water bottle, I sit on the counter and sip it as I look at andy

"Yeah he doesn't listen" Ashley grabs a cold pack from the freezer and switches I with the now thawed out one on andys forehead, he put the old one in the freezer and sighed

"It's adorable how you take care of him" I smile sipping my water

"Someone's gotta do it"

"I always thought jinxx was the band momma?"

"Well sorta, hes morw of the get your ass out of the bus kinda momma" he says walking over to me "no ones here. Wanna go have some fun?"

"Ashley someone is ganna see us" I giggle as he puts his hands on my lower back and pulls me to him to my legs are around his waist but I'm still on the counter

"No they won't, come on" he tugs at my shirt playfuly

"Ash stop it" I giggle as he starts kissing my neck, I let out a soft moan, he moves closer to me and slips his hand up my shirt

"Ahem!" We were interupted by someone now on the bus, I look up to see juliet "could you not do that on the kitchen counter"

"Sorry juliet" I hop off the counter and ash rolls his eyes smirking a bit

"Can't help it" he grins as he wraps his arms around me from behind

"Anyway... how is he?" Juliet asks taking andys hand

"He's alright, ash just change his cooling pack" I say as I grab my water

"Good, God this sucks" she runs her thumb over andys dragonfly tattoo and smiles lightly

"Come on ash let's go out to eat" I tug on his hand lightly

"I'm coming" he follows me off the bus, we head off the grounds and towards a small indian restaurant (sorry if you don't like Indian food), when we walk in a waiter leads us to our seats and hands us menus "so what ya hungry for?"

"Um not sure yet, the egg rolls look good" I say looking over the menu "what about you?"

"Not sure." After a while of deciding we finally pick our orders, we sit and talk while we wait for out food, the waiter sets it on the table and we dig in

"We need to do this more" I say wiping my mouth with a napkin

"What eat Indian food?" Ash says as he stuffs his face

"No, go out as an engaged couple" I say then take a bite of my food "but this Indian food is soo good!"

I'm faced with a dilemma guys. I don't know what to theme your wedding! Halp!

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