wedding day

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We have today off of touring, knowing today was our day off we had planed the wedding before hand. I stode in the dressing rpom of the church, Juliet and sammi doing my hair and makeup while alice fixed my dress

"You look soo cute. Ashley is one lucky man" Sammi says and she finishes putting my (h/c) up into a very beautifully done up do with two bits hanging down in front of my ears, she has laces my hair with beautiful accessories. After everything was done the girls left and headed out to the church to sit and wait, I met my dad and the doors opened and the music started playing.

Ashleys point of view

I stand at the pew and look over as the doors open and the music starts, (y/n) steps out in a beautiful white and red dress, she smiles at me as she walks down the Isle, all I can down is stand there with my mouth open, when she gets to me her father hands her off to me and we stand together at the pew

"Lady's and gentlemen we are gathered here today to join this man and this women in holy matrimony" the paster started, I took (y/n) hands and smile down at her, she smiles up at me with the most loving smile

"(Y/f/l/n) do you take Ashley to be your lawful wedded husband through sickness and in health, for better or worse?" I anxiously await her answer

"I do" she says smiling widely

"And do you Ashley purdy, take (y/n) through sickness and in health, for better or worse" I give my answer without a second of hesitation

"I do" I smile gripping her hands

"Then by the power vested in me I now pernounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss your bride" as soon as he said that I pulled her to me and dipped her kissing her on the lips, wishing it could last for ever but knowing it can't I pull away and lift her back to her feet, I look up to see her father and mother clapping and smiling.

Your point of view

I grip ashleys hand as we both ealk out of the church surrounded by our friends and family. We made it to the reseption hall, as me and ash walked in everyone clapped, CC was the loudest of course, Andy, CC, jinxx, Jake and damien went to play, damien filled in for ash, they played carolyn as it was mine and ashleys song, I wrapped my arms around ashley and he whispered sweet nothings in my ear as we danced, I see flashes from cameras of all our friends. After we danced we had cake and partied with all our friends.

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