Chapter 6 band meet boyfriend

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After several hours of writing, me and the guys decide to all head back to my place for some chill time. When we get back to my house, i openthe door and call out for ashley but theres no answers "must be out with the guys" i shrug

"Nice place kid" seth smiles and looks around

"Thanks ash and i got it a couple months ago" i smile and put my keys on the table "make yourself comfortable, ill make coffee" i say going in the kitchen, i make a cup of coffee when i hear the back door open and close. I put the spoon down and walk into back porch, i dont see anyone and shrug, when i turn to walk back into the kitchen someone grabs me from behind and covers my mouth

"Dont make a sound" a firmiliar voice says, i push away and smile

"Hi ashley" i laugh and he kisses me

"Hey baby" he smirks a bit

"Come in i want you to meet the guys" i take his hand and drag him into the living room where the guys were "ashley this is Damien, Seth and sam, guys this is my boyfriend ashley" i smile and Sam is the first to stand

"Great to meet ya" he puts his hand out for ashley to shake, ashley looks at him then shakes his hand

"So you're the one that dated my girl?" He says as he pulls away

"Uh yeah a long time ago" he says scratching the back of his neck nervously then seth steps in

"Hi ashley im Seth" he shakes his hand and damien just waves shyly

"He doesnt talk much" i say as i sit next to seth on the couch, ashley sits on the other side of me and puts his arm around me. For the rest of the night we watch movies and ashley glares at Sam from time to time.

Me and Purdy (Ashley purdy X reader)Where stories live. Discover now