Prolouge ꡴

41 1 18

A knock hit against a large wooden doorframe. A lengthy man dressed moderate and clean stands on one side waiting for a response. After a few moments, no one responds. "Sir Orman?"

The door clicks and A tallish man readjusting his glasses peeks his head out. He's around the age of a teenager with fair skin and dark eye bags.

"Did you get sleep, Sir Orman?"

He looked at the other man and opened the door more. "Rosco? What time is it?" He muttered wiping his eyes.

"1:30 In the afternoon sir," Rosco replies stepping more into his room. "Your father's party is tomorrow and your father would like to speak with you about his expectations for tomorrow."

"Expectations?" Alex mumbled, yawning. "Like what?"

"That's for you and your father to discuss. I'd suggest changing so he doesn't get upset that you were still asleep." Rosco said. "Rough Night?"

"Something like that," Alex replied. "I'll get dressed and head down when I'm not sloppy looking."

He nodded. "I'll bring your 'breakfast' after he is done speaking with you." He then turned and walked out closing the door behind him.


Alex freshened up and lingered along the hallways trying to muster the motivation to speak with his family.

He descended a flight of stairs and saw his parents at a table as they talked low murmuring, bland conversations.

He took a deep breath and loudly stepped into the mess hall. They stopped talking and turned to look at him.

Alex slowly walked to the table, sitting far across from his father, and waited for him to speak.

His father was a part of a royal line. He was a king making his wealth bigger than his smoldering ego. His stepmother's deeming title of queen made her very snobby. She scowled almost all the time.
His mother never acted as evil as she did and ached to even compare them.

Alex hated them both.

His father adjusted in his seat. "Alex." He sipped from his cup. "We have our New Year's party tomorrow."

"Which is very important to your father and I." His stepmother butted in. Alex glanced from his father to his mother and was met with a scowling expression.

"Yes, but we have some things we must discuss." His father said, waving his wife off. His voice set an uneasy tone across the room.

"Yes, very important things." His stepmother butted in again.

"You know, you're a descendent of a very wealthy royal family." His father said. "A very large targeted-"

"Heavily targeted." His stepmother pointed, her voice wavering.

"Yes.. and I will be stepping down.. at some point." His father finished. "I'd like to discuss with you about your consort."

Alex sighed and slumped into his seat.

"Sit up Alex." His stepmother demanded. "Very impolite." She tapped the table and Alex slowly sat up. "What your father is saying is very important."

A lengthy man entered the room. He kept his eyesight on the floor and placed down their lunch. He slowly set it out, making sure to set them out properly.

Alex glanced at him a couple of times still, trying to listen to his father. His stepmother looked at Alex and back at the lengthy man. She snapped her fingers in Alex's face. "Seriously?"

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