Chapter 2 ꥟

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"What fabrics were you thinking?" His seamstress asked, standing next to him. She held a couple of pieces up to his body, looking up at him.

Alex stared at the fabrics and chewed his lip. "Uhm.. I don't really.. mind. Any?" He replied, looking down at her.

She looked at him. "Any?" She looked between her fabrics. "One second." She walked back into another room and came back out with a dull-toned shade of orange and a dull-toned shade of purple.

She held up each piece and compared it to his hand. She held up the orange piece and smiled. "Here we go."

Denis walked in quickly. He looked between the seamstress and bowed quickly. "You're late." He said, quickly. "Reverend Joseph has been asking for you."

Alex immediately got off the step. "Shit." He mumbled. He turned to his seamstress. "Thank you. Go with whatever you want, I honestly do not mind."

Denis motioned for him to hurry as Alex bowed slightly to each member. He grabbed his glasses off the desk and led Denis out quickly.

Alex rushed down the hallway, readjusting his clothes. "He's early."

"He always is," Denis replied, following after him. Alex turned the corner and descended a flight of stairs. He turned to a main business room and almost bumped into the reverend.

He skidded to a stop and immediately plastered a happy smile.

"Alex!" Reverend Joseph smiled. "Oh my god, you haven't changed, have you? Late?"

Alex bowed laughing. "Busy." He replied. "Let's talk in here shall we?"

The Reverend stared at him not saying a word. "Did you say something?"

The Reverend was old. Incredibly old. Alex couldn't believe he was even still alive. Alex turned to Denis and shot him a nervous look. "Let's talk inside here." Alex repeated a little louder.

Denis opened the door for Reverend Joseph and led them to a seat. Alex sat next to Reverend Joseph so he could actually hear him.

The walls were lined with Guards on each side. It was a large room with at the most two long tables. Kitchen staff and guards came in and out.

"Now.. your.." Reverend Joseph mumbled. He pulled out some official papers and laid them out. "Ceremony. I'm understanding I'm... being the officiate." He clicked a pen and pulled a scrap paper close.

"Yes sir," Alex replied, making sure to raise his voice.

"I have a few questions." Reverend Joseph said, he looked at Alex and laughed. "You look just like your mother."

Alex smiled. "Thank you."

Reverend Joseph stared at Alex for a little longer and sighed. "Now, I know you... don't have a consort?"

Alex cringed slightly and shook his head. "No sir."

"Why's that?" Reverend Joseph asked. "Your father used to brag about how many consorts he had set up for you."

Alex laughed. "My father was a liar." He replied. "I wasn't good with women."

Reverend Joseph didn't catch what he was trying to imply. "Well, we can always fix that later. I just know normally these ceremonies consist of both the soon-to-be King and Queen." He said, writing down slowly Alex's responses.

Alex hummed in response. "Yeah."

"Now for these papers... I need your official signature declaring that I am your officiate." Reverend Joseph said, handing him a neatly folded paper."It'll look killer on my record."

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