Chapter 8 ꥟

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Alex sat next to Elijah's bed, his hand on Elijah's forehead. "Are you feeling alright?" Elijah nodded. His eyes scanned Alex's face, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Alex smiled and touched his hair. "You look way different." He whispered softly.

"You do too." Elijah said, reaching and grabbing Alex's hand. "But it has been a long time."

Alex smiled and placed his other hand on top of Elijah's holding it. "God I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried after you..." He trailed off and swallowed nervously. "After the... Uhm." He stared at Elijah, and he seemed to drift off.

Elijah nodded. "I was alright. My brother... he helped me out." He muttered. He looked away from Alex and slightly tugged his hand away.

Alex looked at Elijah's hand and felt a shiver go up his spine. Suddenly it felt like he was being distanced from him. "Like what?" He asked softly, his voice weary of doubt.

Elijah turned and faced Alex. He sat up and winced slightly. He let out a big sigh. "A lot." He saw Alex's face of doubt and furrowed his eyebrows slightly.

"Like?" Alex asked.

Elijah chewed his lip and shook his head. "I don't want to talk about that stuff." He grabbed Alex's hand again and smiled. "I'm just glad I'm here." He said reassuringly.

Alex smiled nervously. "Was it bad?" He wanted to know what happened. He knew he might be crossing a line but he was so desperate to fill the holes in where Elijah had been.

Elijah looked at Alex for a moment and he squeezed his hand around Alexs'. "It was something I hope to god never happens to anyone else." He replied. "That's all I'll say."

Alex frowned slightly and squeezed Elijah's hand back. "I'm sorry."

"Huh?" Elijah hummed, staring at Alex confused. "Sorry for what?"

"That you had to go through something so terrible you can't even speak of it." Alex replied, his voice laced with pity. It made Elijah cringe inside. Being pitied for something always seemed to find a way to shame him.

"Please, You didn't do anything. It's not like you're the one who actively seeked out my misfortune. No reason to be apologetic and I sure as shit don't need the pity." Elijah reassured. "Trust me."

Alex nodded and sighed. "I guess you're right."

"Really, Alex it's fine." Elijah said, squeezing his hand. "Can you talk about what happened?"

"Yeah.. But that's because I was treated just fine afterwards. I stayed in your house until Denis found me and brought me back." Alex muttered.

"That's good." Elijah said, softly. "At least you were lucky." Elijah looked to the other side and scanned the door. He looked around the room again. "Wait where's my brother?"

Alex looked over Elijah and cleared his throat. "I do have something to say." He whispered.

Elijah looked at Alex. He swallowed nervously. "What..?"

Alex turned to face Elijah fully. "There's going to be a trial." He said. "Regarding your brother, you can't quite see him yet."

"A trial?" Elijah asked. "Wait, Wait. Am I being put on trial too?" Elijah asked.

"No, I weaseled you o-"

"What?" Elijah asked. "Why aren't I on Trial?"

Alex shook his head. "Now why would you be on trial for your brother's actions?"

"I tried to kill you Alex. I tried to kill your guards." Elijah replied. "I should be on trial along with my brother."

"You were deceived into doing that, Elijah. You never went through with those actions either." Alex replied, his voice sounding confused. "I'm sorry.." He scoffed, confused. " Do you want to be on trial?"

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