Chapter 7 ꥟

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Elijah woke up groggily trying to blink away the sleep in his eyes. He slowly sat up in his unfamiliar bed and rubbed his face.

Hands grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back down. He panicked and yelled out in surprise. "What the?!" He grabbed the unknown person's hand and yanked it away, but the person kept pushing against him.

Elijah shoved the person away, using all his might, and sent the person toppling over. He crawled out of the bed, standing up. As soon as he stood tall he crumpled to the floor, grabbing his side. "Oh shit." He groaned and leaned against the bed frame, holding onto his side. He breathed heavily his body sending shivers down his whole body.


Elijah looked up and saw Alex standing in the doorway. He was helping his right-hand servant up from the floor. Elijah closed his eyes and it all came back. He had stabbed himself. He was still alive. He was with Alex.

He was with Alex.

Elijah tried to stand up again but he groaned through gritted teeth.

Alex walked towards him and grabbed his arm gently. "Please sit down." He whispered.

"Where am I?" Elijah croaked, leaning against Alex.

"In one of the rooms. Doctors have been monitoring you." Alex said, leading Elijah to his bed. "So has Denis, my servant."

The person he had shoved over stood up, muttering to himself. Elijah sat on the bed and turned to Denis. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

Denis glared at Elijah and brushed the dust off of him. "I'm going to get Guardsman Louis." He muttered and turned away.


Denis tapped at the bars that Ethan had been kept away in. It was dimly lit barely illuminating the space around them. The bars were fairly new, but the rest of the room wasn't. Creaky floorboards that were coming up stood beneath them. Inside Ethan's cell, he lay on a very withered wooden bed facing a cracked and broken wall. He stirred slightly turning to Denis who stood on the other side of the bars, peering inside. He muttered and turned back on his side curling up more. "Not again."

Denis tapped on the bars again, repeatedly at an annoying pace. Every tap made Ethan tick down to his last string. He covered his head and ground his teeth in annoyance. "Your brother is awake." Denis announced, stopping his taps.

Ethan slowly turned, facing Denis. He couldn't quite see his face due to the lighting. "Really?" He replied, softly.

Denis didn't move or respond. He started tapping at the cell bars again and sighed deeply.

Ethan sat up fully on his creaky bed and looked at Denis wearily. Elijah hadn't made any movement in 3 days. 3 long and painful days of waiting. "Is he alright?"

Denis stopped his tapping. "He's fine." He replied. "Just fine."

Ethan swallowed nervously and nodded. "Good."

"Not good," Denis replied. He shuffled slightly in his spot and sighed annoyed. "I don't understand how he survived." Ethan didn't say anything. He looked away from Denis and picked at his nails.

"You were supposed to make sure he never came back here," Denis whispered. "Away from Alex."

Ethan looked back at Denis. "I tried." He muttered. "He was just so persistent."

"You brought him willingly," Denis replied, sternly. "Now he is under our care. Under Alex's care. Alex is distracted with worrying over your stupid brother than his own kingdom."

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