Chapter 5 ꥟

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Elijah woke up early the next morning. He sat at the table, looking outside. Ethan had explained he couldn't attend the ceremony because he was afraid people would recognize him from the first attack.

He longed to see who the new king was and he planned to. Even if people recognized him, it would ease his mind on the fact that Alex was alive.

When he had left the only time from Ethan's home, he made it straight to His own home. It had been a few months after but he had to see if Alex had stayed for that long. Elijah had to break into his own house and when he did, it was completely trashed. Everything was flipped upside down, food was smashed on the ground and glass had broken.

It was devastating. Alex had either been attacked by something or had left. He never had a clear answer. Reese had escaped and Elijah found him days later, snooping around in Ethan's trash.

"Oh, you up?"

Elijah snapped out of his thoughts and turned to Ethan. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and nodded. "Yeah."

Ethan was neatly put together, wearing winter clothes. He had on a beanie with a small saddle bag. He opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. "I'm going to the ceremony."

Elijah turned around in his chair. "Why?"

"I wanna scope around a little. See what the guardings like." Ethan replied, taking a sip from the bottle. "I'm gonna be out a while. Around noon head down to the gates okay? I mean it."

Elijah turned back around and nodded. He looked outside. "Okay." He whispered.

"I need to get Sub and some others," Ethan replied, sighing. He put the bottle in his bag. "I'm leaving."

Elijah nodded and kept looking outside. He didn't say goodbye to Ethan as he left and he could feel Ethan hesitate to leave, but eventually he could hear Ethan's footsteps and the door close.

Elijah looked away from the window. He waited a few minutes and got up. He immediately went up the stairs and grabbed a few clothes he had intentionally never worn. He changed his clothes and went back downstairs. He grabbed a hat from Ethan's room and put it on. He went through the back door, carefully leaving through another way.

When he finally made it to the middle of the town, right in front of The castle's balcony where they would hold the ceremony for the whole town.

Elijah stayed in between two houses, more behind the crowd. He scanned the crowd trying to find Ethan and people from the Deliverance group.

He spotted Sub and right next to him was Ethan. They were right in the middle of the group, looking around. As Elijah scanned the crowd he clocked at least 10 more people from Deliverance. All are hidden and blended in.

Elijah looked at the entrance, there were so many guards. Even amongst the crowd Guards were scattered here and there. They were not messing around.

Elijah waited around and finally, Trumpets sounded. The Reverend came out with no guards.

Elijah furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He waited for at least one guard to come out but none had.

"Did they send all their guards out? That's silly." Elijah muttered. He leaned against the wall and tried to bore through the Reverend speaking.

He stared amongst the crowd. He remembered seeing some when he would walk home, some when they had visited the castle trying to make requests. When he looked for Ethan and Sub they were whispering to each other, looking around.

Elijah took a small step back more hidden in the shadows.

"Your new king." The Reverend boomed loudly, even for his old frail body.

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