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Elijah packed his stuff for the day and headed away from the castle and back into town.

He had spent most of the day with Alex and his moping. It was incredibly exhausting compared to what he normally would do around the castle, but it was way better than seeing the Queen.

He walked through the dark town. He knew he got off late but normally some people would be out. It was eerily quiet. He took a longer route to soak in what he barely got to see. After his mother died, he spent most of his time in the castle.

He opened his door, after messing with the locks, and set his stuff down near the doorway.

A black Australian shepherd dog walked between his legs and he patted the dog's belly. "Hey, Reese."

He grabbed his bag and turned around and locked the door again. "Reese, come on." He placed his stuff on the counter. He took a heavy breath and started to unpack his stuff. 

A knock was at his door. He turned away from his stuff and stared at his door. Reese ran to the door, staring at it. Nobody ever knocked at his door, especially not at this hour. He walked to the doorway and tried to listen for another movement. The door knocked again and Reese started to bark.

"Reese it's okay." Elijah calmed. He patted the dog's head and scratched his ears. He creaked it open to see and was taken back.


"No." Elijah snapped and shut his door again. The man tried to push the door open but Elijah already had it closed.

"Elijah please." The man said knocking on the door. "Let me inside."

"I told you I didn't want you coming by my house anymore," Elijah said through the door. He locked his door and walked away from the door. "Reese come."

"It's important!" The man cried. "Give me five minutes."

"No Sub! Leave." Elijah snapped. "I told you the last time was the last! I don't want to hang around what you do anymore. Especially with where I work!"

"It's about your job! Please this is important." Sub pleaded. "Please, Elijah!"

Elijah didn't reply. He went to his kitchen sink and placed dirty dishes into the sink that had been laid out. The door was being pounded on by Sub. He pleaded to be let in and to be talked to.

Reese stood closer to the doorway looking at it. He turned to face Elijah and made a small whine. Elijah tried to block it out but with each knock his heart weighed heavier and heavier.

Sub went silent and sighed. "Ethan sent me."

Elijah froze. He turned to the door and stared at it. Ethan never came around. His heart pounded and he slowly walked to the door.

Sub was leaning against the door when Elijah opened it. Elijah held his door open and gestured for Sub to get inside. "Come on.."


Alex woke up the next morning to a soft tapping. He got out of bed and opened the door rubbing his eyes. "Yes?"

Elijah stood on the other side. "Your father says it's time to get ready." He said quietly.

Alex squinted at Elijah and took a deep breath. "Fuck. Okay." He opened the door more and gestured Elijah inside.

Elijah was dressed nicer than usual. Compared to his usual work clothes, he had a non-wrinkled buttoned top, with a purple tie that was messily put together.
Alex looked at his tie and looked away. "How much time do I have until it starts?" He headed into his bathroom and turned on his sink.

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