A trick and Treat. Pt3

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🐣- Y/n, I invite you to attend my halloween get together, don't forget to be in the prettiest halloween costume! Looking forward and I'm waiting for you, so don't ignore it.
Time: 8pm to 11pm.

(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)Ohk, Felix -💜

End chat

You and Jessica set out to shopping right after you had your food.

"Where are we going btw?" You asked.

"Someone where, which has a good sale! Or what?" Jessica said, and started to walk.

You nodded slightly and ran to her.

*At the shop-----

You were going to get the elevator for first floor, as the elevator shows that if was on basement floor so you both waited for a bit.
Elevator was here, it opened revealing Felix inside, with a long, aloof, black clothed man beside him.
He smiled as soon as he saw you.

"Hey! Y/n, we meet so soon, I didn't expect that~" he said and winked at you, you were shocked for a second and later you shook your head as you got in the same elevator.

"Ohh, hoo, Felix is here too? For what?" Jessica asked in the same tune as Felix spoke to you. (Flirty)

"I had to get somethings for the halloween party, btw you are attending that with y/n right?" He answer her, as a good gentleman.

"Y/n, thanks for accepting the invitation" Felix thanked you as he chuckled a little later.

"Yeah, what else then, I didn't had any plans made" you said as you rolled you eyes.

"Oh, so next time you are free, can I invite you for a date?" Felix asked you as he leaning a little closer.

"Not so soon, Dudes! And we are here, y/n! Let's go" Jessica seprated you both as the elevator stopped on 3rd floor.

You went out of elevator as Felix waved at you with a big smile plastered on his face, you were in a daze. Untill Jessica shaked you.

"Uh-- oh, we reached?" You said to Jessica as you were confused.

"Duh, gurl, don't tell me you were lost in that prince charmings words and looks?" She said as she started to laugh.

You touched you left chest lightly, with the heavy beat of your heart, *ba-dump. *Ba-dump. ~ you blushed a little.

"Um, Jessiya! What are we going to-
Before you finishes you looked around and didn't spot Jessica and stopped.

"Jessicaa where r you!?" You shouted but lowly. As there were passersby, so you don't want to be the lost kid.(lol)

"Ring, ring, ring, ring~~~" you tried to call Jessica through phone.

"Yeah, gurl?, oh you- where r you?"Jessica asked the same as being confused as you.

"Did you went somewhere" you asked

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