Outside of The Wall

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I guess this is the end of my service to humanity.I thought as I clicked the button of my 3d maneuver gear once again only to know its actually broken ,and above all I can barely stand on my legs, I fall so harshly on a branch of a tree in the 'forest of giant tress' outside of wall,
I am Irin Arlert and this is my first time outside of the wall as a survey corps.Since the last few hours I've seen my fellow soldiers die before my eyes, the souldiers whom I trained with for five years,specially Lucy ,she was like a family to me .I saw her body crushed in the mouth of a 7m class titan.At that time I lost control of my gear and fall on this branch,with no motivation to fight further.
I rest my back at tree trunk and panted heavily for a moment,I closed my eyes and my life flashed before my eyes....


I remember the day when the Colossal titan breached Wall Maria,I used to live in a village of Shiganshina with my father,I saw my house got crushed by some giant stone with my father inside .I was playing outside of my home before, and that saved my head from getting crushed but unfortunately couldn't save my heart from breaking into pieces.I was rushing inside of my house to save my father who was lying dead in front of me ,I shook him to wake him up then I noticed a 3m class titan approaching me with a grin on it's face.I was standing still, I didn't want to run ,I wanted myself to be dead knowing there is no reason for me to survive.
Thud...thud...thud I heard the titan coming closer and closer,As it streched his arm towards me something weird happened and the titan fall on its face. I was shoked by the sudden incident then I heard a raspy voice saying "Oye!run" As I focussed my eyes on the head of the dead titan,I saw a man ,standing there wearing a green cloak with some wings sign on it ,and in his hand there are two bloody large blades.The survey corps!!Is he the one who killed this titan?I thought in my mind then the man spoke once again "Tsk!Run to the boat kid" I looked further and saw there's a large ship a bit far away ready to depart,At that moment I thought what my father would tell me to do if he was alive .I hesitated for a moment then run towards the ship,The men on the boat help me get in as I saw the man with the green cloak taking down all the titans  coming towards the boat.The movements of him was so smooth and skillful ."Killing those bastards must feel so great" I thought.I wanted to kill them with my own hands.Soon the ship started to sail.I looked at my house once again which is now a disaster. The peasants inside was talking and crying so loud,I heard someone asking "where are we going?"
-"Wall Rose"someone replied.

/Present Time/
I came into my senses when I heard the smoke signal.It's time for retreat,though I won't be able to.My feet is killing me.I was sitting down and looking at my feet when someone land on the branch I was on.I looked up and saw captain Levi looking at me with a unreadable expression in his face
"Didn't you hear?we are heading back"I heard him say in a usual cold manner.
"I am not going" I said as he was waiting for me to respond.Before he said anything I explained- "My 3d gear is broken.. and I probably broke my ankle too... there's no way I will return alive .."
He paused for a moment then faced his back to me and get down on one knee  "climb up" he ordered.
He is trying to give me a piggyback ride!! What in the Earth!!
-"No way!! I will slow you down" I said.
-"You can't"
Ahh! this arrogant mf!!He is denying my every excuses ,I suddenly burst with my wild anger"Why don't you just live me alone !?and let me die here in peace! I am tired of seeing my loved ones die okay!?just go and leave me alone"
I was totally out of my mind that I forgot I was talking to my captain ,but I don't care about anything anymore.I was panting heavily after saying everything without any brake.
"Tsk"he looked at me with the same face earlier, paused for a moment and came closer and hold my wrist tightly.I was stunned by his sudden movement.His jaw is clenched now.No doubt I made him angry ,"I don't want you to die"he said with gritted teeth "I am tired of watching my people die too"
God why this man always pops up whenever I want to die in peace?

Hi this is the author. It's my first book here hope you enjoyed it.If you notice any mistake I would appreciate if you correct me in a sweet way.And make sure to share your thoughts about the story.This story is about love ,the deepest kind of love since our Levi is the coldest man.So let's go Irin.

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