Part 3

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I was sitting in the common room on a chair with hange kneeling down and inspecting my feet and ankle.

"It's not broken"she exclaimed  "It got twisted"

She hold my feet in one hand and ankle with another "This is gonna hurt a little" she said and then give it a reverse twist.


I dig my face on my palm and shouted in pain But soon I noticed my ankle is all good.She knows magic doesn't she!?
I hold her hand in a thank you manner without saying a thing and she gave me a warm smile.

"That's what happens when you act childish and don't pay attention on the mission"

I heard a bitter voice saying and it's none other than Captain Levi.
I looked and see him giving me a side eye .

Who does he think he is?I know he saved my life but he did it at his own free will.And I didn't gave him the right to talk to me this way.

I was looking at him with a piercing gaze when Hange said "Hey !It's her first time be nice!"

He didn't say a thing and walked away.

He doesn't care if his words hurt people right?I noticed him before talking to other people this way too.I hate how he move around like he hardly care about anything in this world.I really want to beat some manner into him whenever he acts that way.But I can't do that ,he is my superior. All I can do is look back at him with fiercely when he looks down on me.
We were having our dinner in dining hall.I didn't feel like eating at all .All I feel is a heavy weight inside my heart .This is not the first time I am feeling this way.I watched so many people die today.I lost my friends.I still can hear screams and smell blood everywhere.Am I being so sensitive?Maybe I am not brave enough to be a soldier.

"You won't eat that?" Sasha said to me
"No,you can have it" I passed my piece of bread to her. She accepted it happily.

I know this guys for more than five years.I know so many things about them.Like how Sasha gets crazy over food ,Connie is so brave and a sweetheart to all,Mikasa is the most skillful soldier ,Eren is full of vengeance, Armin is full of intelligence, And Jean,acts all tough and careless still loves his friends a lot.
There were so many others whom we lost today.
I reached my dorm to get some sleep.After lying on my bed for a while I realised I am not sleepy at all .After kicking the blanket off my body I stand up and drank some water.
I decided I will be going to my favourite place now.Whenever I can't sleep at night I head for the library. It's actually library and reading room at the same time.It's a hall room with so many old books .The smell of books is one of the few things that makes me happy.But one problem, I need to sneak out because no one other than the commanders are allowed to skip their sleeping routine or do whatever they want.

Everyone is asleep in the dorm building.I tiptoed in the corridor with a lamp in my hand and reached the library silently.I tried to open the door silently but it made a litte creek sound since it's an old wooden door.I closed the door behind me and chose a nice book and table with a nice view to sit on.
I put my lamp on the table and sit down..and....then....I noticed HIM..

A man sitting in dark a little bit far away from me with his head resting on the back of the chair and right arm covering his eyes.

Holy shit!!This posture! I know who he is.I need to run when I still have the chance .He is sleeping so I get up from my chair and decided to leave.

"Oii! What are you doing here"

Shitt ..I flinched and looked back.

He is looking at me with his usual cold eyes.

I fucked up!!

I fucked up!!

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