3 Pike's Peak

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I must be crazy.

Pike's Peak on Christmas Eve at night. My knuckles were white where I clenched the steering wheel, and I forced my way toward relaxation with deep even breaths. The road was actually clear. Wisps of snow snakes wriggled across the beams of my headlights and the infotainment screen showed minus ten Celsius.

I glanced across to the passenger seat, where Cleo purred. The GPS showed we were approximately three kilometers from the top. The stars were brilliant. Not a single light source anywhere close and the milky way cascaded behind the familiar three stars of Orion's belt. Leaning to the right, I ran my hand down my Maine Coon's back. She opened one green eye and stretched, before standing up and placing her front paws on the dashboard.

Boom, thump, thump .... thump .... thump.

"Oh my God!" I screamed and Cleo's ears twitched.

I wrenched the wheel to the right where a small dip in the heap of snow left behind by the plow gave me a spot to stop. What was it that Dad said? Right, don't slam on the brakes when your tire blows out. Not a problem. I wasn't going fast anyway. I rubbed up against the snowbank and let the slope bring me to a halt.

Now what? Almost midnight and I'm stuck. I've got two full tanks of fuel for the mini motorhome. I've got food for Cleo, and jerky, water, trail mix, along with some instant oatmeal packets for emergency breakfasts.

Well, I'm prepared. A small smile flickered across my face as I remembered boy scouts. I made it all the way to the eagle level. All those summer camps and all the testing and badges? I've got them on my sash. And a lot of friends I still can count on in a pinch.

I picked up the satellite phone. Then I hit the power button to turn it on and nothing happened. Shit. Have to let it charge for morning. Taking two steps I rummaged through my junk drawer, and then pulled it out to empty onto the bed. Where the hell was my charging cord? I went up to the front and checked the USB plug ins, only one up there. The one for my phone and the power cord for my laptop was there.

I sat down heavily in the passenger seat, almost landing on Cleo and she let out a yowl, digging her claws into my backside right through my jeans. I turned around to apologize, but she swiped at me again and then leapt up onto the bunk above us. I knew she wouldn't be down to sleep with me later.

The pain from my butt cheek brought a flash of memory. The satellite phone was done till I could get to an electronics store. The cable was probably still on the picnic table where I sat to untangle a ball of cables. I'm not sure how they got that way, but it took me over an hour to undo the mess.

And my stomach clenched as I thought of something else. No one knew I was up here. Pissed off is pissed on. I forgot to register with the forestry office. But really If you are back country or on a little used road, let someone know where you are going. I banged my forehead into the upper cabinet. Stupid.

I remembered my sister's last angry words.

"I hope you die out there!"

I couldn't stay. No way. First Christmas without Dad. Too much for me. I don't care what she said. She got the house and I can't stand being in it. Calm down. I took a deep breath. She might remember Pike's Peak is my favorite place, especially in winter. I got his cars, his toys, and his classic Rolex Oyster. The watch was on my right wrist, the I-watch Ultra was on the other one.

I knew she didn't mean it. Now it might happen. No cell service up here. Ergo, satellite phone. The forecast was for a bit of a warming trend for the next few days. I have a jack. I can change the damn tire. As long as the spare isn't frozen into its storage cage, I'll be good.

I took another big breath held it for a few seconds and then let it out slowly. Better. I checked the batteries. Fully charged. I can recharge those. If I'm careful with my gas, I can survive for a long time out here. Might be a bit hungry, and Cleo doesn't have enough food for a long stay, but....

I ducked out the door, walked around to the back. I had to know. Squatting at the back bumper I played the flashlight beam underneath. My chest squeezed shut. The spare was gone.

I started to write. With Dad's favorite pen.

I'm sorry. I screwed up. Don't blame Cleo if she started to eat me...

Tap, tap, tap. Cleo was already at the back entry door. There was someone out there.

I peered through the driver's side mirror.

Who the hell?

Well if they were stupid enough to be up here, I'll see what they want.

A cold blast of air hit me as I twisted up out of the driver's seat.

"You stupid idiot," my sister held my spare keys in her right hand. "How were you going to fix this?"

"You followed me, Cora?" I couldn't quite believe it.

"Of course. Jill is with me. Lock up. Get Cleo. We'll get you a tow in the morning. It's Christmas. She told me I'd never forgive myself."

I wrapped my arms around her. She kissed my cheek like she always did after we fought. "I love you. You're my other half, my twin. Christopher let's go home. I'm hurting too."

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